Tuner control keysThese keys allow the same operations as thekeys with the same names on the receiver.POWER keySwitches the power of the receiver toON/STAND-BY (OFF). :CD player control keysThese keys allow the same operations as thekeys with the same names on the CD player.The DISC key is for use exclusively with amultiple CD player. Pressing the DISC keyallows one of DISC 1 to DISC 6 to be select-edinthefollowingcycle.Trtallt aoa] DISCDISC(eae aie aRInput selector keysThese keys have the same functions as theinput selector keys on the receiver.KENWOODREMOTE CONTROL UNITRC-0500Caution in remote control@ Incase any of the following models is used, the CD manual searchcannot be operated from this remote control unit:DP-M37, DP-57, DP-47® |f the CD player is not equipped with the System control jack, itcannot be operated properly from this remote control unit.In such a case, please use the remote control unit provided withthe CD player.Tape deck control keysThe TAPE A and TAPE B keys alow to oper-ate a double cassette tape deck.When using a single cassette tape deck, usethe TAPE B keys.When the Fast Forward key Ge] is to bepressed after the Rewind key (=) waspressed, press the Stop key @ first, thenpress the Fast forward [1 key.Numeric keys (1 to 0)When the CD or TUNER input selector keyis selected, these keys can be used in placeof the numeric keys on the CD player orreceiver, respectively.Volume control keysVOLUME CONTROL keys:Pressing the [4] key rotates the VOLUMECONTROL an the majn body of the unitclockwise to increase the volume, and press-ing the [¥] key rotates it counterclockwiseio decrease the volume.MUTE key:The MUTE key is not provided on the mainbedy. The muting can be controlled onlyfrom the remote control.To mute the sound temporarilyPress the MUTE key on the remote controlunit.® The point indicator on the VOLUME CON-TROL knob blinks, and the output soundis muted.The muting is canceled when the MUTEkey is pressed again or the VOLUME @or &) key is pressed.When the muting is canceled, the pointindicator on the VOLUME CONTROLknob stops blinking and starts to lightsteadily.KR-A5O4O ten 17