Search forward or backward through the discs in a discchanger.Making a Reverse Disc Search:Press the AM button to display the desired disc number.Each time the button is pressed, the displayed disc numberdecreases by one.Disc SearchSearch forward or backward through the tracks on the discuntil you reach the one that you want to listen to.Making a Reverse Track Search:Press the 4 button to display the desired track number.Press once to search back to the beginning of the currenttrack, twice to search back to the beginning of the previoustrack, and so forth.Play starts at the beginning of the displayed track number.(For disc changers)Pressing the 4 button while listening to track 1 will only searchback to the beginning of that track. The reverse search is not"recycled" to the last track on the disc.Making a Forward Track Search:Press the ¢ button to display the desired track number.Press once to fast forward to the next track, twice to fastforward to the track after that, and so forth.Play starts at the beginning of the displayed track number.(For disc changers)You cannot make a forward track search when listening to thelast track on a disc.NOTENOTETrack SearchYou cannot use reverse play between tracks depending on themodel being connected. Instead, the reverse play function iscanceled when it reaches the beginning of a track, at which pointnormal play will automatically resume.NOTEFast Forwarding Disc Play:Hold down on the ¢ button.Release your finger to play the disc at that point.Reversing Disc Play:Hold down on the 4 button.Release your finger to play the disc at the point.Fast Forwarding and Reversing Disc PlaySwitch the display that appears while discs are playing.Switching Display for Discs:Each time you press the DISP button, the display during discplay switches as follows:• You can give names to discs through the presetting disc namefunction (page 24). Note that depending on the unit, displaymay not be possible.• If you try to display the name of a disc that does not have one,"NO NAME" is displayed instead.• When there is an attempt to display the title of a disc for whichthe disc title/track title has not been recorded, "NO TEXT" isdisplayed for CD and "NO TITLE/NO NAME" is displayed forMD.• If you attempt to display disc title/track title when connectingthe CD changer not supported for CD text feature, cautionmessages such as "NO TEXT" or "Reading" may be displayed.• Depending on the type of characters of the CD Text, somecharacters may not be displayable.NOTETrack timeDisc name (DNPS) (only when being preset)Disc title (Units featuring CD text/MD only)Track title (Units featuring CD text/MD only)Switching Display for DiscsExternal disc control features— 22 —English