SiriusXM®42Ñ Parental codeYou can set a SiriusXM parental code forParental Control.1 Touch [Parental Code] on the SiriusXMSETUP screen.hh Parental Pass Check screen appears.NOTE• The code number is set to “0000” as default.2 Enter the current code number and touch[Enter].hh Parental Pass 1st screen appears.3 Enter the new code number and touch[Enter].hh Parental Pass 2nd screen appears.4 Enter the same code number as that youentered in step 3 and touch [Enter].hh The code number is confirmed and theSiriusXM parental code is now set.Ñ Parental ControlParental Control is a feature that provides theuser with the ability to prevent unauthorizedaccess to mature content and user selectedchannels.1 Touch [Parental Control] on the SiriusXMSETUP screen.2 Touch [User], [Mature] or [OFF].■ [User]Locks only the selected channels.■ [Mature]Locks channels classified as “mature” only.■ [OFF]Deactivates the parental mature and userlocks.3 Enter the parental code you originallyinput in as stated in Parental code(P.42) and touch [Enter].When selecting [User]This allows you to limit access to any SiriusXMchannel (Parental Lock Channel).1 Touch [Parental Lock Channel Selection]on the SiriusXM SETUP screen.hh Parental Pass Check screen appears.NOTE• You need to set up a parental codebeforehand as stated in Parental code(P.42).2 Enter the parental code you originallyinput as stated in Parental code (P.42)and touch [Enter].hh Parental Lock Category Select screenappears.3 Touch the desired category in the list.hh Displays all channels in the selectedcategory.