vnoTificaTion of WaTer-resisTanT MoDelWater Resistance and MaintenanceThs transcever conforms to the followng standards:IP67: The IP standard is the protection level specified by theinternational standard IEC 60529. The first numeral indicates the“dust-resstant” level and the second numeral ndcates the “water-resstant” levelPRECAUTIONS• The applcable standards lsted above do not assure that thetranscever can be used n water. The transcever may bedamaged n a stuaton n whch the maxmum depth s over1 meter or the maxmum submerson tme exceeds 30 mnutes.• Observe the followng precautons to mantan the transcever’swater-resstant performance:a) Do not drop or apply strong physcal shocks to the transcever.b) When you dsassemble the transcever or open the coverof the opton board, IP67 wll no longer be mantaned. Afterdsassemblng the transcever or openng the cover of theopton board, f you want to contnue mantanng IP67, contactyour dealer or Authorzed Servce Center.c) Do not soak the transcever n water that contans a solvent orsurfactant, such as detergent or alcohol.• If t s soaked n muddy water or salt water (ncludng sea water),it may become corroded. Immediately flush with fresh water andthen wpe dry wth a soft cloth.• If water s splashed onto the mcrophone, the battery, or theantenna termnal, clean and dry them wth a soft cloth beforereconnectng to the transcever.• When water gets nto the mcrophone openng or the speakergrll, the voce level may become low or dstorted. Lghtly shakethe transceiver to remove the water from the speaker and/ormcrophone before operatng the transcever.• Use of any option on the transceiver not specified by Kenwood,may reduce or vod the water resstant and dust resstantperformance.• When usng an opton wth the transcever, ensure that tcorresponds wth the IP67 standard.