12TRANSMITTING1 Select the desired zone and channel.2 Press the button programmed as [Monitor] or [Squelch Off] to check whetheror not the channel is free.• If the channel is busy, wait until it becomes free.3 Press the PTT switch and speak to the microphone. Release the PTT switch toreceive.• The LED indicator lights red while transmitting and green while receiving asignal. This indicator can also be disabled by your dealer.• For best sound quality, hold the transceiver approximately 3 ~ 4 cm (1.5inches) from your mouth.• In Site Roaming, In Voting and Voting with Signaling zones, the transceiverwill search for the strongest signal repeater and transmit using thatrepeater’s frequency.Making Group Calls (NXDN/ DMR)You can select a group ID from the list to make a call to those parties on a channel.1 Press the button programmed as [Group], [Group + Short Message] or[Group + Status] to enter Group Call Mode.• Alternatively, press the button programmed as [Menu] to enter Group CallMode using the Menu Mode.• The group ID list appears on the display.2 Press the [ ] and [ C> ] buttons to select a Group ID/ name from the listthat has been programmed into your transceiver.3 Press and hold the PTT switch to make the call.• The “ ” indicator blinks. The Group name of the target transceiver aredisplayed.• Speak to the microphone as you would during a normal call.