1-6 (No.RA016) Connection procedureConnect the transceiver to the personal computer using the pro-gramming interface (KPG-36U). (Connection is same as in thePC mode.) Programming(1) Start up the firmware programming software (KENWOODFirmware Loader). The KFL.exe exists in the KPG-D1/D1Ninstalled holder.(2) Set the baud rate to "auto" or 1152000, 576000, 115200,and 57600.(3) Set the firmware to be upgrade by file name item.(4) Enter the Firmware programming mode by using section“2.2.2 How to Enter Each Mode”. Then, the yellow LED onthe transceiver light and "FIRMWARE PROG" is displayed.(5) Check the connection between the transceiver and the per-sonal computer, and make sure that the transceiver is inthe Program mode.(6) Press “Write” button in the window. When the transceiverstarts to receive data, the “LOADING” display lights.(7) If writing ends successfully, the checksum is calculatedand a result is displayed.(8) If you want to continue programming other transceivers, re-peat step (4) to (7).Note:If write is performed by KFL, Firmware programmingmode will start automatically even if firmware program-ming is set to disable in the programming software. FunctionIf you press the [ ] key while “FIRMWARE PROG” is dis-played, the checksum is calculated, and a result is displayed. Ifyou press the [ ] key again while checksum is displayed,“FIRMWARE PROG” is redisplayed.2.2.7 Clone ModeProgramming data can be transferred from one transceiver to an-other by connecting them via their external universal connectors.The operation is as follows.The following data cannot be cloned.• Tuning data• Embedded message with password• ESN (Electronic Serial Number) dataKey guide on the Clone/ Front Panel Programming Pass-word input screen.• Confirm ([ ] key): The password confirmation• Delete ([ ] key): Delete the latest digit from the currentpassword number (Press and hold to delete all passwordnumbers)• Select ([ ] key): Determine the latest digit of the passwordnumber.(1) In the source transceiver, enter the clone mode by usingsection “2.2.2 How to Enter Each Mode”. When the Clone/Front Panel Programming Password is set to the transceiv-er, "Input Password" is displayed on the LCD.If the password is not set, the transceiver displays "CLONEMODE".(2) When you enter the correct password, “CLONE MODE” isdisplayed, the transceiver can be used as the cloningsource. The following describes how to enter the pass-word.(3)- How to enter the password using the keypad;If one of the keys 0 to 9 is pressed while the “Input Pass-word” is displayed, the password number is displayed onthe LCD.Each press of the key shifts the display in order to theleft.When you enter the password and press [ ] or [*] key,“CLONE MODE” displayed if the entered password iscorrect. If password is incorrect, “Input Password” is re-displayed.- How to enter password using the [] and [] keys;If the [] / [] key is pressed while “Input Password” isdisplayed, the Clone/ Front Panel Programming Pass-word input screen is displayed.If the [] or [] key is pressed while the clone/ FrontPanel Programming Password input screen is displayed,the number (0 to 9) blinks on the LCD. When you pressthe [ ] key, currently selected number is determined. Ifyou press the [ ] key after entering password in thisprocedure, “CLONE MODE” is displayed if entered pass-word is correct. If the password is incorrect, “Input Pass-word” is redisplayed.(4) Power ON the target transceiver.(5) Connecting the cloning cable (part No.E30-3325-05) to theuniversal connectors on the source and target.(6) Press [ ] key on the source while the source displays“CLONE MODE”. The data of the source is sent to the tar-get. While the target is receiving the data, “PROGRAM” isdisplayed. When cloning of the data is completed, thesource displays “END”, and the target automatically oper-ates in the User mode. The target can then be operated bythe same program as the source.(7) The other target can be continuously cloned. When the[ ] key on the source is pressed while the source displays“END”, the source displays “CLONE MODE”. Carry out theoperation in step (4) to (6).Note:• Cannot be cloned if the password (overwrite password) isprogrammed to the target.• “Model name” must be same to clone the transceiver.Fig.22.2.8 Front Panel Programming ModeIf the Front Panel Programming Mode is used, the frequency orother data of the conventional channel is rewritable only by thetransceiver.Moreover, the conventional channel can be added.Cloning cable(E30-3325-05)TargettransceiverSourcetransceiver