1-30 (No.RA028)SECTION 5TROUBLESHOOTING5.1 Replacing TX-RX UnitTX-RX unit InformationSupplied Accessories of "Service TX-RX unit""Service TX-RX unit" DataThe following data is written on the service TX-RX unit:After Changing the PCB(1) Using the KPG-175D, select your desired item (ModelName and Frequency) from the Model> Product Infor-mation menu, then use Program> Write Data to theTransceiver to write the FPU data (PC Programmingmode). When writing to the transceiver, a Warning Mes-sage, corresponding to the item selected, appears. Click[OK] to continue writing the data.(2) Enter Program> Test Mode, then adjust the various ad-justment data (PC Test Mode) as described in the "SEC-TION 4 ADJUSTMENT"(3) Attach the new labels corresponding to the new printedcircuit board. (Refer to the images right for label place-ment.)(4) If necessary, write the FPU data used by the customerwith the KPG-175D.Note:• When a new printed circuit board is used, the KENWOODESN changes, as does the Transceiver Information dis-play of the KPG-175D, but this does not have any effecton the operation of the transceiver.• If changing to the original ESN, please contact our servicecenter.Model Name Plate Label LayoutModel Name Original TX-RXunit NumberFor Service TX-RXunit NumberNX-740H K XC1-0010-10 XC2-0120-10NX-740HV K XC1-0010-10 XC2-0120-11NX-740 M XC1-0010-21 XC2-0120-21Item (Including Parts Number) QuantityTX-RX Unit (XC2-012) 1Model Name Plate 1Data Type DescriptionFirmware NX-740H/840H Firmware.FPU Data(PC program-ming mode)XC2-012(NX-740H/740HV) K type data.XC2-012(NX-740) M type data.KENWOODESNModel name: NX-740H, NX-740HV or NX-740Type: K or MThe same number as the Model Name Platelabel is written.NXDN ESN The same number as the Model Name Platelabel is written.KENWOOD ESNNXDN ESNModel Name Plate Label