(No.RA028)1-52.2.3 PC Mode2.2.3.1 PrefaceThe transceiver is programmed using a personal computer, aprogramming interface (KPG-46A/46U) and FPU (programmingsoftware).The programming software can be used with a PC. Figure 1shows the setup of a PC for programming.Fig. Connection procedure(1) Connect the transceiver to the computer using the interfacecable.Note:You must install the KPG-46U driver in the computer touse the USB programming interface cable (KPG-46U).(2) When the Power is switched on, you can immediately enteruser mode. When the PC sends a command, the transceiv-er enters PC mode, and “Pc” is displayed on the LED.When data is transmitting from the transceiver, the red LEDblinks.When data is receiving by the transceiver, the green LEDblinks.Note:The data stored in the computer must match the “ModelName” when it is written into the EEPROM. KPG-46A description(PC programming interface cable: Option)The KPG-46A is required to interface the transceiver to the com-puter. It has a circuit in its D-sub connector (KPG-46A: 9-pin)case that converts the RS-232C logic level to the TTL level.The KPG-46A connects the 8-pin microphone connector of thetransceiver to the RS-232C serial port of the computer. KPG-46U description(USB programming interface cable: Option)The KPG-46U is a cable which connects to a USB port on a com-puter.When using the KPG-46U, install the supplied CD (with driversoftware) in the computer. The KPG-46U driver runs under Win-dows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 8.1.The latest version of the USB driver is available for downloadfrom the following URL:http://www.kenwood.com/usb-com/(This URL may change without notice.) Programming Software: KPG-175D descriptionThe FPU is the programming software for the transceiver sup-plied on a CD. This software runs under Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8or 8.1 on a PC.The data can be input to or read from the transceiver and editedon the screen. The programmed or edited data can be printedout. It is also possible to tune the transceiver.2.2.4 Clone ModeProgramming data can be transferred from one transceiver to an-other by connecting them via their cloning cable. The operationis as follows (the transmit transceiver is the source and the re-ceive transceiver is a target).Note:Clone mode should be enabled.(1) Turn the source transceiver power ON with the [ ] key helddown (2 seconds), “cL” is displayed on the LED.(2) Power on the target transceiver.(3) Connect the cloning cable (No. E30-3382-05) to the modu-lar microphone jacks on the source and target.(4) Press the [S] key on the source transceiver.The data of the source is sent to the target. While thesource is sending data, red LED blinked.While the target is receiving the data, “Pc” is displayed andgreen LED blinked. When cloning of data is completed, thesource displays “En”, and the source red LED turned off,and the target automatically operates in the User mode.The target can then be operated by the same program asthe source.(5) The other target can be continuously cloned. Carry out theoperation in step 2 to Adding the data password.If the data password is set in the optional feature menu, you mustenter the password (Source transceiver) to activate a clonemode.You can use 0~9 to configure the password. The maximumlength of the password is 6 digits.(1) [ ]+Power ON.(2) “PS” is displayed on the LED.(3) If the [ ] and [ ] keys is pressed while “PS” is displayed,numbers (0 to 9) are displayed flashing. When you pressthe [C>] key, the currently selected number is determined.If you press the [S] key after entering the password in thisprocedure, “cL” is displayed if the entered password is cor-rect. If the password is incorrect, “PS” is redisplayed.Fig.2FPUPCKPG-46A or KPG-46U+ Tuning cable(E30-3383-05)TransceiverPCKPG-46AD-SUB(9-pin)TransceiverPCKPG-46UUSBCloning cable(E30-3382-05)