NXR-70032Pin No. Name I/O Function3 AO3 O Auxiliary output 34 SPO O Speaker AF output5 AO2 O Auxiliary output 26 SPO O Speaker AF output7 AO1 O Auxiliary output 18 SPI I Internal speaker AF input9 RSSI O RSSI output (Analog signal output)10 RD O RX-DATA output (Equal to D-sub con-nector terminal No22)11 GND - Ground12 SPG - Speaker ground13 GND - Ground14 SPG - Speaker ground15 NC - No connection16 NC - No connection17 SB O Power supply output18 NC - No connection19 SB O Power supply output20 NC - No connectionCN60 (To Internal Speaker)1 SPO O Internal speaker AF output2 SPG - Internal speaker groundControl Unit (X53-4140-10)Serial data inable signal to potentiometer of OCXO unitPin No. Name I/O FunctionCN300 (To X55-309 CN43)RX_IF_VN I 2nd IF signal (450 kHz) of NXDN modeCN400 (To X56-311 A/3 CN805)1 GND - Ground2 GND - Ground3 REF_SW2 O Control signal for reference clockchange circuit4 WP O Write protection signal to EEPROM5 REF_SW O Control signal for reference clockchange circuit6 OX_SCL O ADC of OCXO unit (for electric currentdetection) to serial clock7 EXT_EXIST I External reference clock detection signal8 OX_SDA I/O ADC of OCXO unit (for electric currentdetection) to serial data input/output9 REF_EXIST I Reference clock detection signal10 IMP_H_L - No connection11 REF_IN_OUT O Control signal for reference clockchange circuitPin No. Name I/O Function12 GND - Ground13 OX_SDI2 I Serial data input from potentiometer ofOCXO unit14 GND - Ground15 OCXO_VR_EN O Serial data enable signal to potentio-meter of OCXO unit16 GND - Ground17 OCXO_ON O Power source control of OCXO unit18 GND - Ground19 OCXO_CURR I Monitor of the voltage which detectscurrent of OCXO unit20 GND - Ground21 OCXO_EXIST I Detection signal of OCXO unit presence22 GND - Ground23 VCXO_DA_EN O DDS (5.99MHz) to serial data enablingsignal24 GND - Ground25 REF_LDT I Lock detection signal from PLL (19.2MHz)26 GND - Ground27 PLL_19_EN O Serial data enabling signal to PLL (19.2MHz)28 GND - Ground29 PLL_19_CE - No connection30 GND - Ground31 OX_SDO2 O DAC of OCXO unit to serial data output32 GND - Ground33 OX_SCLK2 O DAC of OCXO unit to serial clock output34 33MPU O 3.3V constant voltage35 GND - Ground36 GND - GroundCN401 (To X53-413 CN1)1 GND - Ground2 GND - Ground3 RX_POWER_SAVE O Power saving signal of RX unit4 OCXO_ST_R O OCXO LED red control5 OCXO_ST_G O OCXO LED green control6 VOLUME_IN I Voltage monitor for audio level control7 PWR_ST_R O POWER LED red control8 MOD_D_OUT O Transmission modulating signal ofNXDN mode9 GND - Ground10 RX_AUDIO_D O Reception demodulating signal ofNXDN mode11 BEEP O Beep sound signal output12 MIC_D_IN I Audio signal before the transmissioncompressing of the NXDN modeTERMINAL FUNCTION