NXR-800H3INTRODUCTIONSCOPE OF THIS MANUALThis manual is intended for use by experienced techni-cians familiar with similar types of commercial grade com-mu ni ca tions equipment. It contains all required serviceinforma tion for the equipment and is current as of the pub-lication date. Changes which may occur after publicationare covered by either Service Bulletins or Manual Revisions.These are is sued as required.ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTSWhen ordering replacement parts or equipment informa-tion, the full part identification number should be included.This applies to all parts : components, kits, or chassis. If thepart number is not known, include the chassis or kit numberof which it is a part, and a sufficient description of the re-quired component for proper identification.PERSONAL SAFETYThe following precautions are recommended for personalsafety :• DO NOT transmit if someone is within two feet (0.6 me-ter) of the antenna.• DO NOT transmit until all RF connectors are secure andany open connectors are properly terminated.• SHUT OFF this equipment when near electrical blastingcaps or while in an explosive atmosphere.• All equipment should be properly grounded before pow-erup for safe operation.• This equipment should be serviced by only qualified tech-nicians.SERVICEThis transceiver is designed for easy servicing. Refer tothe schematic diagrams, printed circuit board views, andalignment procedures contained within.GENERAL / 概述引言本手册的范围本手册是提供给熟悉通信专业并且具有维修经验的技术人员使用的。它包括了维修该设备所需要的全部资料和现行出版日期。在出版后可能发生变动,如果需要,可以参照《维修通报》或《手册修订本》进行补充。替换零件的订购当订购替换零件或设备资料时,应注意完整的零件识别号码。所有的零件均有识别号码∶元件,组件或机壳。如果不知道零件的号码,为了正确地识别,必须注明此元件所属的机壳或组件的号码,并对元件进行充分的说明。个人安全为了个人的安全,请注意下列事项∶• 如果有人在天线两英尺 (0.6 米 ) 范围之内时,不要进行发射。• 在没有认真核实所有射频插头之前或有任何一个脱开的插头没有连接到相应端口上的情况下均不要发射。• 在电爆管附近或在易燃性气体环境中,必须关闭电源,不要操作本设备。• 为了操作的安全,在接通电源之前所有设备应该连接地线。• 本设备只应该由有资格的技术人员进行维修。维修服务为了便于维修本设备,建立了完整的维修服务体系,提供了包括原理图,印刷电路板图和调整步骤在内的资料供参考。