Finding a location for the antenna (continued)Use this map as a general placement guideline—some experimentation may be needed to obtain the best reception in your particu-lar situation. See pg. 33,Antenna Signal, for more information about using the ANTENNA SIGNAL screen to aim the antenna.13Here 2 Anywhere Instruction Manual (ver. 2)If you live in:Section 1 —Use aNORTHEAST or EAST-FACING wall or windowSection 2 —Use aNORTHEAST or NORTH-FACING wall or windowSection 3 —Use aNORTHWEST or NORTH-FACING wall or windowSection 4 —Use aNORTHWEST or WEST-FACING wall or windowSection 5 —Place the antennaONLY ON THEROOF or ON AN OUTSIDE WALLFinding a location for the antenna (continued)Here 2 Anywhere Instruction Manual (ver. 2)12The second best antenna location is on an outside wall• Use an appropriate wall, depending on where you live (refer tothe map on page 13). The location of the “X” on the map mustbe visible to the antenna• Mount the antenna facing as close to straight up aspossible (below, left)• To minimize interference caused by roof extensions, mountthe antenna as low on the wall as possible while avoidingother obstructions (below, right).The third best antenna location is at a window• Use an appropriate window, depending on where you live(refer to the map on page 13). The location of the “X” on themap must be visible to the antenna• Place the antenna midway between the left and right windowframes• Tilt the hinged part of theantenna back to aim ittowards the sky (right)Note: Objects such as thefollowing can prevent theantenna from receiving thesatellite signal when placedat a window or on an outsidewall: • roof extensions •thewindow frame •metallicwindow screens or tinting•objects in the window•nearby objects like trees,foliage or buildingsIf the signal is blocked fromgetting to the antenna, theantenna must be relocatedto a more appropriatewindow, an outside wall free of obstructions, or on the roof.Note:The antenna isweatherproof,so it can bemountedoutside