4-7. DTMF MEMORYDTMF telephone numbers. of up to a maximum of 15digits. can be memorized.• Storing the DTMF codes1. Press the M key. then the MONI switch to select theDTMF code entry"m= o.::d.:.e.'--_ _ _ ~r(~M___)L --:~ J2. Enter the DTMF code on the DTMF code key (up toa maximum of 15 digits)The DTMF code keyr--~ - -. ;;: •• - T'~ '- - ---"'1I CD CI:) CD G:::). I: ....-, • • 01·, ~ [vO .. . :I CT) CD CD CD" ,• ... . .. , •. • L ,"' , I: CD CD CD CI!D~ :1 ... ,ov ' •• v , .. I~ " I: ~ CD ~ ~ l'---- ---- --r -- -_____ JU.S.A. and Canadeanversionr -'C" - i-iC•• -;- ;;: ": CD CD c:n:CO', • • <> - t •• ". I . . .... I " •: OJ CT) CD :CD·, ... . L o' .. . " .... .~_g?, ~ rg,?J~ ~~: a::>:~ C!ffi) 0. LTi'Except U. S.A andCanadean version( 5 )( 4 )p _co-, ,I!I AP()3. After the DTMF code IS entered. press the CALL key(U.S.A.and Canadean version), or ENT key. (otherversion)dO"C'sc,>V ( ENT)U.S.A. and CanadeanversionExcept U.S.A. andCanadean version4 . Select the channel (0 9) where you want to storethe DTMF code and press the key for that channel.When the DTMF code is stored to that channel. thepreviously shown frequency reappear on the display.NOTESIf you enter the wrong number, press the DTSS key(U .S.A.and Canadean version) or the • key (otherversion) to start again before pressing the ENT key.PAGOT55oU.S.A. and Canadeanversion~H I Fij*Except U.S.A. andCanadean version31