TK-260G/270G3OPERATING FEATURES1. Operation Features• TK-260GAntennaA321B654C987D0qqqqq eeeeerrrrrtttttyyyyyuuuuuiiiiiooooo!0!0!0!0!0wwwww MicrophoneSpeakerThe transceiver is shown with the optional KNB-14 battery pack.qqqqq Rotary encoderYour dealer can program the encoder as eitherGroup Up/Down or Channel Up/Down (defaultsetting). Rotate to select a group or channel. Alsorotate to adjust the squelch in Squelch Adjustmentmode.wwwww LED indicatorLights red while transmitting. Lights green whilereceiving. Flashes orange while receiving a CodeSquelch code or a Selective Call code, or a 2-Toneor DTMF signal that matches the one set up inyour transceiver. Flashes red when the batterypower is low while transmitting.eeeee Power switch/ Volume controlTurn clockwise to switch ON the transceiver.Rotate to adjust the volume. To switch OFF thetransceiver, turn counterclockwise fully.rrrrr PTT (Push-to-Talk) switchPress this switch, then speak into the microphoneto call a station.ttttt Side 1 keyThis is a PF (Programmable Function) key. Pressit to activate its auxiliary function (page 4).yyyyy Side 2 keyThis is a PF (Programmable Function) key. Pressit to activate its auxiliary function (page 4).Programmable Auxiliary FunctionsSide 1 key and Side 2 key can each be programmedwith one of the following auxiliary functions:• Monitor A (Monitor Unmute–Momentary): Press andhold the Monitor key to hear background noise. Releasethe key to return to normal operation.• Monitor B (Monitor Unmute–Toggle): Momentarilypress the Monitor key to hear background noise. Pressthe key again to return to normal operation.• Monitor C (Carrier Squelch–Momentary): Press andhold the Monitor key to deactivate QT, DQT, 2-Tone, orDTMF signalling. Release the key to return to normaloperation.• Monitor D (Carrier Squelch–Toggle): Momentarilypress the Monitor key to deactivate QT, DQT, 2-Tone, orDTMF signalling. Press the key again to return to normaloperation.• None: No function.• RF Power Lo: Press the RF Power Lo key to toggle theoutput power of a channel between high and low. Thiscan only be used for channels that have beenprogrammed with high power. Pressing RF Power Lowhile using a channel programmed with low powerMicrophoneSpeakerAntennaChannel selectorRotate to select achannel (1 ~ 8).LED indicatorLights red whiletransmitting. Lightsgreen while receiving.Flashes orange whilereceiving a 2-Tone orDTMF signal thatmatches the one setup in your transceiver.Flashes red when thebattery power is lowwhile transmitting.Power switch/Volume controlTurn clockwise toswitch ON thetransceiver.Rotate to adjustthe volume. Toswitch OFF thetransceiver, turncounterclockwisefully.PTT (Push-to-Talk) switchPress thisswitch, thenspeak into themicrophone tocall a station.Side 2 keyPress toactivate itsprogrammablefunction.Side 1 keyPress toactivate itsprogrammablefunction.SP/MIC jacksConnect anoptional speaker/microphone here.The transceiver isshown with theoptional KNB-14battery pack.causes an error tone to sound. (When changing achannel from high to low power, all channelsprogrammed with high power are changed to low.)• 2-Tone Encode Select: To transmit using a 2-Tonecode, press the PTT switch and the 2-Tone EncodeSelect key, then speak into the microphone in yournormal voice.Release the PTT switch and 2-Tone Encode Select keyto receive.• TK-270G