15n Priority ScanIf your dealer set up a priority channel on yourtransceiver, the transceiver will continuously monitorthat channel while receiving a signal on anotherchannel. When a signal is received on the Prioritychannel, the transceiver immediately switches to thatchannel.• “P” appears on the display.The transceiver will remain on the Priority channeluntil the signal drops out. Your dealer programs thedelay time between signal drop-out and scanresumption.n Channel LockoutIf programmed by your dealer, you can selectchannels to lock out of the scanning sequence.Perform the following steps while not in Scan mode.1 Rotate the Rotary encoder to select the channelyou want to lock out of Scan.2 Press the key programmed as Scan Del/Add.• Each press of Scan Del/Add toggles the lockoutstatus of the selected channel ON and OFF.• Channels that are included in Scan are representedby an “A” on the display. Channels locked out ofScan do not have an “A” on the display.n Revert ChannelDuring Scan, pressing the PTT switch to transmit willcause the transceiver to select the revert channel.Your dealer programs the Revert channel for yourtransceiver. Consult your dealer for details.