28n ReverseYour dealer may have programmed the Reversefunction instead of the Talk-Around function.When using Reverse, the transmit and receivefrequencies are swapped. This means that you willtransmit on the “receive” frequency and receive onthe “transmit” frequency. The QT/DQT encoding anddecoding signals are also reversed, meaning thattransmitted signals are encoded using the “decode”signal, and received signals are decoded using the“encode” signal.Toggle Reverse ON and OFF by pressing the keyprogrammed as Reverse.• “R” or “RE” appears on the display while Reverse isactive.n Battery Voltage LevelWhile transmitting, the transceiver automaticallychecks the battery voltage level. When the voltagelevel becomes low, the LED indicator flashes red.When a tone sounds, transmission stops. Rechargeor replace the battery pack at this time.n LampPress the key programmed as Lamp to toggle thedisplay backlight ON or OFF. The backlightautomatically turns OFF approximately 5 secondsafter it is switched ON.Press any key other than Lamp while the backlight isON to reset the 5 second timer. The timer will resetand the backlight will remain on for 5 seconds.