TK-320121TC1CVTX-RX unitFoil side viewS401PTTS403SW1S402SW2J301EXT. SP/EXT. MICVR1BATT+ 5M5CPCTV BPFCVBSBCN13ANTTX-RX unitComponent side viewSP+ SP–Adjustment FrequencyTEST CH RX Frequency TX Frequency1 446.00625 MHz 446.00625 MHz2 446.01875 MHz 446.01875 MHz3 446.03125 MHz 446.03125 MHz4 446.04375 MHz 446.04375 MHz5 446.05625 MHz 446.05625 MHz6 446.06875 MHz 446.06875 MHz7 446.08125 MHz 446.08125 MHz8 446.09375 MHz 446.09375 MHzFrequency (MHz)Channel No. RX Frequency TX Frequency1 446.00625 446.006252 446.01875 446.018753 446.03125 446.031254 446.04375 446.043755 446.05625 446.056256 446.06875 446.068757 446.08125 446.081258 446.09375 446.09375ADJUSTMENTAdjustment pointsTX-RX unit (X57-697)Component side viewFoil Side ViewVR1 : Frequency adjustmentBPF : Band-pass wave form test pointCV : VCO lock voltage adjustment terminalTC1 : Transmit VCO lock voltage adjustmentCV : VCO lock voltage adjustment terminalFig. 1 Adjustment points■ Frequency and signallingThe set has been adjusted for the frequencies shown inthe following table. When required. re-adjust them followingthe adjustment procedure to obtain the frequencies you wantin actual operation.SignallingSignalling No. RX TX1 None None2 None 100Hz Square Wave3 QT 67.0Hz QT 67.0Hz4 QT 151.4Hz QT 151.4Hz5 QT 250.3Hz QT 250.3Hz6 DQT D023N DQT D023N7 DQT D754I DQT D754I• Preparations for tuning the transceiverBefore attempting to tune the transceiver, connect the unitto a suitable power supply.Whenever the transmitter is tuned, the unit must beconnected to a suitable dummy load (i.e. power meter).The speaker output connector must be terminated with a8Ω dummy load and connected to an AC voltmeter and anaudio distortion meter or a SINAD measurement meter at alltimes during tuning.AntennaLED indicatorPTT (Push toTalk) switchCall keyMonitor keySpeaker/microphonejacksChannel selectorPower switch/Volume control