TK-521023SEMICONDUCTOR DATACPU:30625MGP193GP (TX-RX unit: IC 5)Pin Port Name I/O FunctionNo.Pin Port Name I/O FunctionNo.48 KIN I Key counter return49 MODEL I Model detection50 RDY I Bus control (Ready)51 ALE - No connection52 HOLD I Bus control (Hold)53 HLDA - No connection54 WN O Wide/Narrow ceramic filter switching(L:Narrow, H:Wide)55 VN O Wide,Narrow/APCO ceramic filterswitching (L:APCO, H:Analog)56 EXTIM I External option control port fromuniversal connector57 SCSW O When the scrambler board is installed,the route of AF is changed.(L:Scrambler on, H:off)58 BCLK O Bus control (Base clock output)59 RD O Bus control (Read)60 BHE - No connection61 WR O Bus control (Write)62 TGL0 I Lever switch input 063 TGL1 I Concentric switch input 164 TGL2 I Concentric switch input 265 CS3 O LCD CS66 CS2 O Flash memory CS67 CS1 O DSP CS68 CS0 O Flash memory CS69 A19 O Address bus 1970 A18 O Address bus 1871 A17 O Address bus 1772 A16 O Address bus 1673 A15 O Address bus 1574 A14 O Address bus 1475 A13 O Address bus 1376 A12 O Address bus 1277 A11 O Address bus 1178 A10 O Address bus 1079 A9 O Address bus 980 INAFC O Internal AF control (L:Off, H:On)81 CH_A I Rotary switch input 182 CH_B I Rotary switch input 283 CH_C I Rotary switch input 384 CH_D I Rotary switch input 485 VCC2 - Power supply input86 A8 O Address bus 887 VSS3 - Power supply input88 A7 O Address bus 789 A6 O Address bus 690 A5 O Address bus 591 A4 O Address bus 492 A3 O Address bus 393 A2 O Address bus 294 A1 O Address bus 195 A0 O Address bus 096 EXAFC O External AF Control (L:Off, H:On)1 VREF - A/D converter reference voltage inputterminal2 AVCC - A/D converter power supply inputterminal3 T/R O TX/RX switch (L:TX, H:RX)4 BATT DET I(A/D) Battery detection terminal5 NC(ANEX0) I NC (For expansion A/D)6 LCDV O (D/A) LCD contrast adjustment7 VOICE O (D/A) Voice output8 SOE O Shift register OE9 UL I PLL unlock input10 DAT O Common data11 CLK O Common clock12 SDA I/O EEPROM data13 BYTE I Use as 8bit data bus (Vcc)14 CNVSS I Use as memory expansion mode (Vss)15 PCS O Potentiometer CS16 NC - No connection17 RESET I Reset input18 XOUT - No connection19 VSS1 - Power supply input20 XIN - Clock input, 9.216MHz(18.432MHz/2)21 VCC1 - Power supply input22 NMI I NC23 RTCDT I/O RTC data I/O24 PSW I(INT1) Power switch detection(L:Power on, H:Power off)25 INTRA I(INT0) RTC interrupt input26 LD O DAC LD27 BEEP O (PWM) Beep output28 LE O PLL CS29 BSFT O Beat shift output(L:Shift, H:Not shift)30 KEY/PLAY I TX key input (for ANI board),Play Input (for VGS)31 STRB O Shift register CS32 INH I Audio inhibit input (for ANI board),33 AUXI I AUX input (for ANI board),34 TCNT I Tone control input (for ANI board),35 BEEPS O Beep switch(L:Unmute, H:Mute)36 TXD1 O (UART) UART(for VGS)37 VCC1 - Power supply input38 RXD1 I (UART) UART(for VGS)39 VSS2 - Power supply input40 BUSY I BUSY input(for VGS)41 RTSM/EXTO O UART(3.3V➔5V)/External optionoutput port to universal connector42 TXDM O (UART) UART(3.3V➔5V)43 RXDM I (UART) UART(5V➔3.3V)44 DSRM I UART(5V➔3.3V)45 CTSM I UART(5V➔3.3V)46 A20 O Flash memory A1947 KES O Key counter CS