@ SCAN OPERATION1 Memory ScanProgram scan1270.00&1260.00 1299. 98(VFO-A)1299.99(VFO-B)3 |Rapid Advance | ___| The radio will advance to the next channel,Before initiating scan operation, adjust the SQUELCH control to the ‘‘Threshold Point'’,or scanning furictions will not operate properly.1 | Scan start The MS annunciator will light, and scan willproceed from channel 1 thru channel 5.....a Memory channels without data will not bescanned.Function ©The BUSY indicator will light, and scan willstop, when a signal is received. Scan willresume when the carrier drops out.i even if a signal is present.4 | Scan Release or Mic PTT | The unit will revert to MR mode.switchNote: To resume scan first press the [C] key to return to VFO operation. Scan can; only be started from VFO mode. ;Since all memory channels are cleared when the reset switch is pressed, anerror alarm will sound-if you try to scan an empty memory bank.DepresssingthemicUPorDWNswitch duringVFOAorVFOBoperation,willinitiatescanwithintherangeoffrequenciesspecifiedinchannel5.InthecompanionfigureRdenotesthereceivefrequencyinchannel5,andT denotesthetransmitfrequency.1) When the VFO is at point ‘‘a’’, scan will proceed as follows:R TUP scanDWN scan2)DWN scanWhenthefrequency passeseitherlimitduring scan an audio tonewillsound.Note:When UP/DWNscanisselected with theSHIFTcontrol set to theMHzposi-tion, the unit willincrement 1MHzbefore scan starts. For best resultsalwaysinitiatescan with the SHIFT control in the SHIFTorkHz positions.17