®®PARTS LISTNote1:K USANote 2:Only special type of resistors (example: cement. metal film. etc.) andcapacitors {example’ electrolytic. tantalum. mylar. temp. cosif. capacitors}are detailed in the PARTS LIST For the value of ail common type com.ponents, refer to the schematic diagram of the PC. board illustrationResistors not otherwise detailed are carbon type 11/4W or 1/8WiOrder carbon resistors and capacitors accerding to the following exampleT Bran W Europe X AustraliaA carbon resistors part aumber 1s RD14BY 2E2225A ceramic capacitor’s number is CKASFIHI03Z. CC4STHIH220)RESISTOR1. Type of the carbon resistorRD148Y ¢) RDI4cY=D 1488 (small sze) RD14CB ismall sre}2. WattageIw + 3A 3W + 3F 5W+ 3H2w + 3D 4w + 3G3 = CC4B 00...3. Resistance valueTS-430SV@®@@~means22x10?=22008(2.2knExamole221+»2209223+22Ke225+22MQ222+222224+220Kt4ToleranceJ=£5%(Goig)K=£10%(Siver)CAPACITORS:Type|TypeIcC48THIH220JCK45FWH103°-Zss2Ka4561z34561=Type.cerame,elecvolytic,eto4=Voltagerating2=Shaperound,square,etc5=Value3=Temprange6=Toleranceo=TempcoefficrentEx. CC45TH = -470 +60 ppm/*cCeramic capacitor (type 1) temperature coeff. capacitor 1’ 31st word(Color) s{Green}c(Black) Ce a~330ppm/?C3 = Cka5Ou 2nd Word | G(Violet) ppm/?C +30—750 +60 | +120 | +2505 = Capacitor vaiuesami Example 010 + 1 pFCeramic capacitor Itype Ii) 3 io teas101 ~ 100 pF102 -+ 1000 pF = 0.001uF103 ~ 001 aFPe Be Nocord+40 |+80 [+100] Morethan 10uF — 10 ~ +50=20 |—20 | —0 | tessthan4.7uF—10 ~ + 75cas Color cragAbbreviation Abbraviation |Cap Capacitor ML Mylar Tope | Type tlc Ceramic s StyrenE Electrolytic T TantalumMC MicaTS—130 SEMICONDUCTOR a: New partsItem Name Parts No. ns tem Name Parts No. ees[bine |aN6o V11-0081-05 Thermistor |25D29 V11-3360-16 s00M at 25°C | wx181007 V11-4160-66 31026 V11-7762-16 1k at 25°C181565 V11-0076-05181585 V11-3172.76 LED PR2112D V11-7260-66181587 V11-0370-05 TLY-205 | _v11-3163.16182688 V11-0414.05s31c V11-2163-86 Zener diode |BZ—240 V11-4160-98vose v11-0270-05 XZ-055 V11-4105-50XZ~—060 V11-4101-20Varistor |MV—13 V21-0004-05 WZ—044 V11-4761-06sV—03 V21-0007-06 WZ-061 v11-0243-05svV—~4A V11-4363-36 & wZ—090 V11-0240-05WZ-110 V11-4161-46Vari-cap |1SV534 V11-4161-36diode Indicating |9-BT-12 | V40-7760-86tube19