TS-130SV |CIRCUITDESCRIPTIONThe programmable divider converts the information from the bandswitch into a BCD signal in the counter. By presetting, the signal isdivided at the ratio shown in Table 4. The phase comparator isa Motorola MC4044P. The loop filter amplifier, component tran-sistors, minimizes unwanted spurious signal. If output of the phasecomparator unlocks for any reason, VCO output is switched off toprevent out of band emission and, simultaneously the digital dis-play blanksCAR OSCILLATORThe CAR oscillator contains one oscillator and two crystals forLSB, USB and CW operation. The oscillator frequency in eachmode is listed in Fig. 1.Oscillator frequency can be varied by the IF SHIFT control duringreception.\Vori=c9p NineVFOOSCILLATORTheTS-130VFOhassamecircuitandgearass’yastheVFO-830.AnLEDindicatorforVFOandFIXoperationhasbeenadded.DIGITAL COUNTERTheTS-130digitalcounteremploysaVFOfrequencycountingsystemasshowninFig.3.The VFO frequency is mixed with a SMHz signal obtained from thereference oscillator chain by a 3SK73 (Q7) and is converted to a0.5MHz to 1MHz signal. This signal passes through the LPF, is amp-lified, buffered and shaped into a square wave, passes through the0.1 second gate circuit and is applied to the 7-digit counter. Thesignal is counted from 10Hz to 10MHz.The 100kHz, 1MHz and 10MHz order digits are preset by diodematrix operating on bandswitch information.From CounterICO signal){L000 filterQaSOOKHe Phase detector143501403VCOOFFsignatZH 21,245,20Tuning ol!] Fig. 3 TS-130 Counter unit block diagram