COPYRIGHTS FOR THIS MANUALJVC KENWOOD Corporation shall own all copyrightsand other intellectual properties for the product andthe software and for all manuals and documentsattached to the product and the software.A user is required to obtain approval fromJVC KENWOOD corporation, in writing, prior toredistributing this document on a personal web pageor via packet communication.A user is prohibited from assigning, renting, leasing orreselling the document.JVC KENWOOD Corporation does not warrantthat quality and functions described in this manualcomply with each user's purpose of use and, unlessspecifically described in this manual, JVC KENWOODCorporation shall be free from any responsibility forany defects and indemnities for any damages orlosses.INDEMNITYs JVC KENWOOD Corporation takes all appropriatemeasures to ensure all descriptions in this manualare accurate; however, this manual may still containtypographical errors (“typos”) and expressions thatare misleading. JVC KENWOOD Corporation isentirely free from any responsibilities arising fromany losses or damages caused by such typos orexpressions.s JVC KENWOOD Corporation has the right tochange or improve the product specifications, etc.,described in this manual without prior notice. JVCKENWOOD Corporation is entirely free from anyresponsibilities for any losses or damages causedby such changes and improvements.s JVC KENWOOD Corporation is entirely free fromany responsibilities for any failures, damages orlosses arising from, or in connection with, use ofthe transceiver with or connected to any externalequipment. Failures, damages or losses shallinclude the failures, damages or losses that mayoccur at the PC connected to the transceiver or instorage devices having memory area such as a USBflash drive. JVC KENWOOD Corporation is entirelyfree from any responsibilities for any secondaryfailures, damages or losses, including but not limitedto the loss or damage of data or data files stored inthese memories.s JVC KENWOOD Corporation does not warrantthat the quality and functions described in thismanual comply with your purpose of use and,unless specifically described in this manual, JVCKENWOOD Corporation shall be free from anyresponsibilities for any defects and indemnities forany damages or losses. Selection and installation ofany external equipment shall be done at your ownrisk. You are fully responsible for the use and effectsof external equipment.s JVC KENWOOD Corporation shall be free fromany responsibilities for any incidental losses ordamages, such as missing communications or callopportunities caused by a failure or performanceerror of the transceiver.