245 BASIC COMMUNICATIONSAUTO ZERO-BEATUse Auto Zero-beat before transmitting to tune in aCW station. Auto Zero-beat automatically and exactlymatches your transmit frequency with the station youare receiving. Neglecting to do this will reduce yourchances of being heard by the other station.1 Tune to the CW signal using the Tuning control.2 Press [CW T. (AGC OFF)] to start Auto Zero-beatwhile CW is selected for the operating mode.s h#7 45.%v APPEARSs 9OUR RECEPTION FREQUENCY AUTOMATICALLY CHANGES SO THAT THE PITCH TONE OF THE RECEIVED SIGNAL EXACTLY MATCHES THE 48 SIDETONE 28 PITCH FREQUENCY THAT YOU HAVE SELECTED 2EFER TO h48 3)$%4/.% 28 0)4#( &2%15%.#9v [BELOW]s 7HEN MATCHING IS COMPLETED h#7 45.%v disappears.s )F MATCHING IS UNSUCCESSFUL THE PREVIOUS frequency is restored.3 To quit Auto Zero-beat, press [CW T. (AGC OFF)]or [CLR].Note:◆ When using Auto Zero-beat, the matching error is normallywithin ±5 Hz.◆ Auto Zero-beat may fail if the keying speed of the targetstation is too slow or if some interference is present.◆ When the RIT function is ON, only RIT frequencies changeto make the Auto Zero-beat adjustment.TX SIDETONE/ RX PITCH FREQUENCYAs you send CW, you will hear tones fromTHE TRANSCEIVER SPEAKER 4HESE ARE CALLED 48 TRANSMISSION SIDETONES ,ISTENING TO THESE TONES YOU CAN MONITOR WHAT YOU ARE TRANSMITTING 9OU MAY also use the tones to ensure that your key contactsare closing, the keyer is functioning, or to practicesending without actually putting a signal on the air.28 RECEPTION PITCH REFERS TO THE FREQUENCY OF #7 THAT you hear after tuning in a CW station.On this transceiver, the frequency of the sidetone and28 PITCH ARE EQUAL AND SELECTABLE !CCESS -ENU .O 40 to select the frequency that is most comfortable foryou. The selectable range is from 300 Hz to 1000 HzIN STEPS OF (Z DEFAULT IS (Z 4O CHANGE THE VOLUME OF THE 48 SIDETONE ACCESS Menu No. 06. The selections range from 1 to 20 and/&&