Kenwood TS-590SG Instruction Manual
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144 MENU SETUPWHAT IS A MENU?Many functions on this transceiver are selected orconfigured via a software-controlled Menu, rather thanthrough the physical controls of the transceiver. Oncefamiliar with the Menu system, you will appreciatethe versatility it offers. You can customize the varioustimings, settings, and programming functions on thistransceiver to meet your needs without using manycontrols and switches.MENU A/ MENU BThis transceiver has 2 menus: Menu A and Menu B.These menus contain identical functions and can beconfigured independently. The transceiver, therefore,allows you to switch between 2 different environmentsquickly and easily. For example, you can configureMenu A for DXing and contesting while Menu B isfor relaxed local ragchewing. By switching fromMenu A to Menu B, you can instantly change theMenu configuration and key assignment to suit yourcurrent operating style. Or, 2 operators may sharea single transceiver by dedicating one Menu to eachoperator. Both operators can always enjoy their ownconfiguration.MENU ACCESS1 Press [MENU].s 4HE -ENU .O AND SETTING APPEAR ON THE display, and the explanation of the menuappears on the sub-display.2 Press [A/B (A=B)] to select Menu A or B.s h v OR h ” appears, indicating which Menu isselected.3 Press [Q-M.IN]/ [Q-MR] or turn the MULTI/CHCONTROL TO SELECT THE DESIRED -ENU .Os %ACH TIME YOU CHANGE THE -ENU .O a different scrolling message appears on theSUB DISPLAY DESCRIBING THE -ENU .O4 Press [M.IN]/ [SCAN (SG.SEL)], or Mic [UP]/[DWN] to select a parameter.5 Press [MENU] to exit Menu mode.QUICK MENUBecause the number of functions this transceiverprovides is extraordinary, there are numerous itemsin each Menu. If you find accessing desired Menu.OS TO BE TOO TIME CONSUMING USE THE 1UICK -ENU TO create your own customized, abbreviated Menu. YouCAN THEN ADD THOSE -ENU .OS WHICH YOU FREQUENTLY USE TO THE 1UICK -ENU #OPYING -ENU .OS TO THE 1UICK -ENU HAS NO EFFECT ON THE -ENUPROGRAMMING THE QUICK MENU1 Press [MENU].2 Press [Q-M.IN]/ [Q-MR] or turn the MULTI/CHCONTROL TO SELECT THE DESIRED -ENU .O3 Press [FINE (F.LOCK)].s h ” appears, indicating that the Menu item hasBEEN ADDED TO THE 1UICK -ENUs 4O REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE 1UICK -ENU PRESS [FINE (F.LOCK)] AGAIN h ” disappears.4 Press [MENU] to exit Menu mode.USING THE QUICK MENU1 Press [MENU].2 Press [MHz].s h ” appears.3 Press [Q-M.IN]/ [Q-MR] or turn the MULTI/CHCONTROL TO SELECT THE DESIRED 1UICK -ENU .O4 Press [M.IN]/ [SCAN (SG.SEL)], or Mic [UP]/[DWN] to change the current setting for theSELECTED -ENU .Os 7HEN THE -ENU IS REGISTERED TO THE 1UICK -ENU LIST h ” appears.5 Press [MENU] TO EXIT 1UICK -ENU MODENote: |