25Question AnswerOperations Cannot exchange the audiotransmission correctly between theremote station and the host station.Refer to the ARVP-10 help, and checkthe settings.Check that a default device has beenspecified for the PC speakers,microphone, or headset currently inuse, using the Windows sound settingson the remote station PC.Check whether the PC microphone orheadset has been muted or is at lowvolume.Check that the PC, speakers,microphone, and headset areconnected correctly.The audio transmission keepsvarying in volume and is notconstant.Has the AGC been turned ON using theVoIP software input audio settings?For details, refer to the VoIP softwareuser’s manual, and check the settings.The final part of the audiotransmitted from the host stationtransceiver is missing.If you return to receiving operationsimmediately after the conversation hasfinished using the remote station, youmay switch to receiving before all theaudio has been transmitted due to theaudio transmission delay.In such cases, use the ARCP-590G pulldown menu to select "Tool" and then"Setup TX Control", and set a slightlylonger time in "Delay at TX changes toRX when Network Connection".When selecting a tuning step otherthan "Preset", reaction may bedelayed during KNS operations.When set to other than "Preset", thenetwork is more easily delayed than whenusing "Preset" due to the difference in theinternal commands. In such cases, eitherselect "Preset" and perform tuning, orchange the frequency using the"MULTI/CH" operation.Comprehensivesecuritysoftware,etc.I'm using comprehensive securitysoftware, but when I try a KNSconnection, the warning "Softwareis attempting to connect to theinternet" is displayed. Can I pressthe "Block" button?Refer to the user’s manual for thecomprehensive security software beingused, and set it so that thecommunications of the port used byARCP-590G, ARHP-590G andARVP-10 are not blocked.