26Question AnswerOther After implementing KNS operationson the PC used as the host station,the sound has vanished from thePC during audio and videoplayback on the PC.It is possible that the device connectedto the TS-590SG has been selected asthe default device using the Windowssound settings.Use the Windows sound settings tocheck whether the PC speakers havebeen selected as the default playbackdevice.When playing audio and videowhen implementing KNS operationson the PC used as the host station,the audio is transmitted from theTS-590SG.During KNS operations, all audio outputfrom the PC is input to the TS-590SG astransmitted audio.During KNS operations, do not playaudio or video. Furthermore, werecommend terminating otherprograms.Loud sounds are suddenly outputfrom the host station transceiver.The cause is the remote station useroperating the volume control.You can use the ARHP-590G to prohibitvolume operations from the remotestation.Select the "Tool" menu and the "Setup",and enable the "Prohibit AF gain controlfrom ARCP-590G" checkbox.After restarting the host station forany reason, are there any settingsto enable standby modeautomatically?In the ARHP-590G "Tool" menu, select"Setup", and then enable the "Runautomatically at Windows startup"checkbox.When the PC is restarted, it willautomatically enter standby mode.