[he RIT circuit is ON. By turning the RIT knob, the receivefrequency o f VFO can be changed by -1-3 kHz and the fre-quency of fixed channel by -1- 1 5 0 Hz without changing thetransmit frequency.@ B A N D S W I T C HThis 1 1-position switch selects all the necessary circuits totune the transceiver to the desired 5 0 0 kHz band.@ F U N C T I O N S W I T C HThis 7-position rotary switch selects one of the followingIransceive functions.CAL- This position allows callbration of the TS-820'sFIX. internal VFO to one of the transceiver's fixed fre-quency channels (if an optional fixed channel cry-stal is installed). W i t h the switch in this position asignal is generated at the selected fixed channelfrequency and the main tuning knob can b e tunedto zero beat the calibrating signal.CAL- This position allows calibration of the VFO-820RMT: (remote VFO) t o the transceiver's operating fre-quency. W i t h the switch in this position. thetransceiver generates a calibrat~ngsignal and theVFO-820 can be tuned to zero-beat the calibra-ting signal.CAL- W i t h the switch in this position. the transceiver's2 5 kHz: calibrator circuit generates a marker signal atevery 2 5 kHz for normal calibration of the internalVFO.VFO: The switch is kept in this position for normaltransceive operation.VFOR: W i t h the switch in this position, the TS-820's in-ternal VFO controls the receive function and theinternal fixed channel oscillator controls the trans-mit function (if fixed channel crystals are installedin the oscillator)FIXR: W i t h the switch in this position. the TS-820's in-ternal VFO controls the transmit function and theb u i l t ~ i nfixed channel oscillator controls the re-ceive function (if fixed channel crystals are instal-led in the oscillator). The VFOR and FIXR allowcross-channel operation without an external VFO.FIX W l t h the swltch in this pos~tion.the TS-820'sf ~ x e dchannel oscillator controls the transmit andrecelve function of the transceiver (if accessoryf ~ x e dchannel crystals are installed in the transcei-ver).@! H. S W (HEATER) S W I T C HThis switch turns the heater circuits of the three transmittingtubes on and off. The heaters would normally be turned toOFF to reduce power consumption in mobile or portable re-ceiving.@ POWER S W I T C HThe POWER switch turns all the power on and off in theTS-820.@ RIT K N O BT h ~ sknob 1s used to change recelve frequency when the RITclrcujt is in operatlon Set the center posltlon ( 0 ) of theRIT knob to the RIT OFF@ IF SHIFT K N O BBy using this knob during reception. the center frequency ofthe IF crystal filter can be shifted by i 1 . 7 kHz. facilitatingthe adjustment of the tonal quality of receive signal or elimi-natlng radio interference from nearby frequencies. For nor-mal operation. this knob should be set to the center position(click is heard).M I C G A l N K N O BThis knob is used for adlustment of the galn of M I C ampltflerd u r ~ n gSSB operatton Adlust so that the meter polnter doesnot deflect beyond the ALC zone@ CAR (CARRIER) LEVEL K N O BUsed t o adjust carrier level during CW operation. Adjust sothat the meter does not deflect beyond the ALC zone.@ A F G A l N K N O BThis knob adjusts the gain of the receiving audio amplifier.The audio volume of the received signal increases as thecontrol is turned clockwise.@ RF G A l N K N O BThis control adjusts the gain of the receiver section's RF am-plifier. Turn the knob fully clockwise for maximum gain andfor a correct S-meter reading. Turn the control counter-.clockwise to reduce the gain.@ FIX C H (FIXED C H A N N E L ) SELECT S W I T C HT h ~ sfour-position rotary switch selects between four diffe-rent fixed frequency channels which can be installed inside