When interference is encountered. turn the iF SHlFT knoband the interference can be eliminated. For more effectiveCW operation. use the CW filter YG-88C (option) by refer-ring to page 34.OPERATION W l T H C W FILTER (OPTION)Set the transceiver in the receive mode by setting the IFS H l F T knob to the center posltion and the RIT switch to theOFF position Adjust the main tuning knob for maximum de-flection of the S meter. The pitch of the sound of the receivesignal will now be about 8 0 0 Hz. indicating that the zeroingis completed.Turn the RIT switch t o ON and adjust the RIT knob for yourdesired p ~ t c hof the sound. Also. adjust the IF SHlFT knobfor maximum signal strength.OPERATION W l T H D I G I T A L DISPLAY (OPTION)The digital display indicates the frequency of carrier signal(BFO signal) so that the frequency indicated is deviated fromthe transmit frequency of the opposlte station by the receivebeat frequency during CW reception ( w i t h IF SHlFT knob setto its center position. the frequency indicated becomes lo-wer).To z e r o ~ i nthe frequencies with the optional digital displayDG-1, set the RIT switch to O N and turn the RIT knob whilemanipulating the standby switch. in order to locate a point atwhich the frequency indicated is not changed regardless ofthe position of the stand-by switch. With the RIT knob leftin that position, turn the main tuning knob until the slgnalfrom the opposite station becomes a zero beat signal (zerobeat signal can be easily noted by turning IF SHlFT knob).This completes the zeroing of the transmit frequency. Turnthe RIT knob for your desired pitch of sound.4 . 1 4 OPERATION W l T H A LINEARAMPLIFIERTune and load the TS-820 as described in Sections 4.1through 4.1 1 and adjust it for the selected mode.The REMOTE connector on the back panel is provided for in-terconnections with an ampliher. See the instruction ma-nual of the amplifter to determnne whether the linear requiresa normally open (during recelvel or a normally closed (duringreceive) relay contact Connect either pin 3 (normally closedto ground during receive) or pln 5 J m e n to groundduring receive) o i the REMOTE connector to the control jack-. ... --on the amplifier.Connect the ALC feedback from the amplifier to pin 6 of theREMOTE connector. The output of the TS-820 is quite ade-quate to drlve mosl amplifiers to full rated output.4.1 5 FIXED FREQUENCY OPERATIONThe T S ~ 8 2 0has a built-in crystal controlled oscillator forf ~ x e dfrequency operation. This feature is most useful forcommonly used frequencies. nets, or any situation wherecrystal controlled operation is required. To use the fixed fre-quency oscillator, turn the FUNCTION switch to the FIX po-sition. Select one of the four available channels with the f i ~xed channel selector switch and tune and load the TS-820as described in Sections 4.1 through 4.1 1 Simply operatethe transceiver as described in Sections 4.12 and 4.13.T A B L E 4. Meter Switch Positions for Different ModesRecommended monitoring por8t~ondurmg oneratsonMODETUNCWCrystal S p ~ ~ i l i ~ a t i o n s1. Type of holder: HC-25/U1. Frequency 5.5 lo 5 0 MHz3. Mult#~~l#cnl#on:Fonda~nenlal4 rn:rlt~rnrylnlerance i0002"A at normal tompcralureFig. 9 Crystal Oscillation CircuitMETER Switch~- - .ALC orIP orRF orHV~ .ALC orApprox. ReadlngrPeaked100 ma113 scale800 vNone or wlthinALC rangeIP or / 200 maRF or Ii 213 scalt: