Kenwood TS-820 Operating Manual
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PLATE A N D L O A D T U N I N GC A U T I O N : When the MODE switch is in the CW positlontile final tubes draw full plate current in transm#t. Final tubelife is directly related t o the length of tune-up periods. Donot transmit with the tubes out of resonance for more than1 0 seconds at a tlme.Turn the MODE switch t o CW, turn the METER switch to RF.and set the s t a n d ~ b yswitch to the SEND position. Quicklyadjust the PLATE control and then the LOAD control alter^nately to peak (maximum meter deflection] the power out-put. I f necessary, adjust the RF VOLTcontrol on the rear pa^nel to bring the output reading t o about a 2/3 scale reading.NOTE 1 : The ALC meter is less deflected at the ON posi-tion of the SG switch or at the CW position of the MODEs w ~ t c hthan at the OFF position or the TUN position of theseswitches. This indicates the normal state of RF NFB. TheMIC knob and the CAR knob should be properly adjusted un-der normal transmit condftions.NOTE 2: Transmission is not effected at the W W V or AUXpositton of the BAND switch. If the transceiver is left in thetransmit mode over a few minutes. the driver tube 12BY7Aof the final stage may be damaged.4 . 1 2 SSB O P E R A T I O NTune the TS-820 as described i n Sections 4 1 to 4 . 1 1 Setthe MODE switch to USE or LS8 and connect a microphoneto the MIC connector.NOTE lnternatlonal amateur practlce dictates uslng USBor LSB on the f o l l o w ~ n gbandsKey the transm~tterand speak into the microphone w i t h thetone of vojce used in normal operation Adjust the MIC con-trol u n t ~ lvoice peaks are just within the top limit of the ALCrange printed on the meter scale. The METER switch 1s inthe ALC position If the transmitter section is driven beyondthis range, the transm~ttedsignal will be distorted.---21.0 MHz Band-- U S EPTT O P E R A T I O N28.0 MHz BandBy connecting the microphone equipped with PTT switch.the transceiver is readily used for PTT operation. For com-munication. depress PTT switch with STANDBY switch leftin the REC position.USEVOX O P E R A T I O NAdlilsl tho transceiver as described in the previous para-graph. Flip the VOX switch onand close-talk into the micro-phone, increasing the VOX G A l N control until the VOX relayjust operates. For VOX operation i t is desirable to close-talkthe microphone to prevent background noises from trippingthe TS-820 mto transmission.Check that the ALC reading for voice peaks is still within theALC range on the meter, If necessary. adjust the MIC con-trol for a proper ALC reading.I1 the VOX c l i c u ~ tis acttvated by speaker nolse. adjust theANTI-VOX control Increase the control as necessary forproper VOX operatlonDo not use more VOX G A l N or more ANTI VOX gain thannecessary to control VOX operation. If the VOX circuittransfers between words, or holds too long. adjust the re-lease time constant by turning the DELAY control.4 . 1 3 C W O P E R A T I O NTune and load the T S - 8 2 0 as described in Sections 4.1through 4.1 1. Connect a key to the back panel CW KEYjack, set the M O D E switch to CW. and set the stand-byswitch t o SEND for transmitting.CW transmlsslons are automatically monitored through thespeaker o f the transceiver The a u d ~ ogaln of the sldetonecan be adjusted w ~ t hVR3 on the AF boardFor semi-break-in operation. turn the VOX switch on. Holdthe key down and increase the VOX G A l N control. until theVOX relay just operates. It is desired t o change the releasettlne constant of the VOX circuit. adjust the DELAY control.The plate current for CW operatlon should be about 2 0 0ma Use the CAR control t o adjust the carrler level for CWopcratlon A t 2 0 0 ma of IP there may be no ALC read~ngOPERATION W I T H O U T C W FILTERSet the IF SHIFT knob t o its center position and the RITswitch to the OFF position t o receive CW signal. Turn themaln tuning knob for about 8 0 0 Hz of beat signal and yourtiansmlt frequency will be set t o the transmit frequency ofthe opposite station (zeroing). During reception. the sidetone monltor is activated by pressing d o w n the key. I n thiscase, listen t o the side tone signal and the receive signal andadlust the maln tuning knob so that the cycle of the sound isincreased. By so doing. the zeroing of frequencies can beachieved. After zeroing. set the RIT swltch t o ON and turnthe RIT knob for the pitch that suits your listening taste. |
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