16o AGCLights while the Automatic Gain Control function is ON{page 44}.!0 AUTOLights while Automatic is selected for the AutomaticGain Control function {page 44}.!1 PROCLights while the Speech Processor is ON{pages 23, 46}.!2 MONILights while the Transmit Monitor function is ON{page 46}.!3lights while the internal antenna tuner is configuredfor use while transmitting only. light while thetuner is configured for use while transmitting andreceiving. If neither are lit, the antenna tuner isswitched OFF {page 49}. If using Full Break-in CW, theinternal tuner can be either bypassed completely or canbe in-line for both transmitting and receiving.!4n, ⁄2, or ⁄8 lights while the attenuator is switched ON.The numbers indicate the amount in dB of receiveattenuation that is selected. If no numbers are lit, theattenuator is switched OFF {page 53}.3 GETTING ACQUAINTEDq METERWhile receiving, serves as an S-meter to measure anddisplay the received signal strength. Also whilereceiving, a 30-segment display represents the widthand relative shift of the currently selected receive passband. While transmitting, serves as a calibrated powermeter plus an ALC meter, an SWR meter, or a SpeechProcessor compression meter. A Peak Hold functioncan be activated that holds each reading for about 2.5seconds {page 22}.wEither z or x lights while Antenna 1 or Antenna 2 isselected respectively. Only one antenna can beselected at a time {pages 2, 63}.e M.CHLights while the memory channel mode is selected.Also lights while using the Memory Scroll function{page 56}.r VOXLights while the Voice-Operated Transmit function{page 45} is ON. For CW operation, lights while theBreak-in function {page 31} is ON.tLights when a Menu item is added to the Quick Menu{page 24}.y FULLLights while CW Full Break-in is selected {page 31}.u SEMILights while CW Semi Break-in is selected {page 31}.i AIPLights while the Advanced Intercept Point function is ON{page 53}.DISPLAYSWRPWRS975311025 50FILTERALC310 21.510204010060WdBdB20COMPM.CHUSB CW R FSK FM AM M. SCR PRG SCAN F. LOCK FINE MHzLSBAUTOFULLVOX SEMI AIP AGC AUTO PROC MONI MENUA BSPLITRITTONEXITNBWIDTHCTRLSHIFTHF TRANSCEIVER TS-870 ON AIR AT TUNEq wertyu i o !0 !1 !2!3!4