51CWAGC AUTO CTRLSHIFTDSP TOOLSSLOPE TUNING (SSB/AM)Changing the positions of the LO/WIDTH and HI/SHIFTcontrols while in SSB or AM mode changes the cut-offfrequencies for the receive pass band. Controlling thepass band in this way allows you to eliminate adjacentfrequency interference.Turn the LO/WIDTH control clockwise to raise thehigh-pass filter cut-off frequency; turn itcounterclockwise to lower the cut-off frequency. This iseffective in removing interference from frequencieslower than your current operating frequency.Turn the HI/SHIFT control clockwise to raise thelow-pass filter cut-off frequency; turn itcounterclockwise to lower the cut-off frequency. This iseffective in removing interference from frequencieshigher than your current operating frequency.Using only these controls, you can eliminate a greatdeal of interference on the phone bands. By using bothcontrols together carefully, you will increase your abilityto pick out weak signals from the interference.IF SHIFT (CW)For CW, the center frequency of the filter pass band canbe shifted without changing the current receivefrequency. This is an additional method of fightingadjacent frequency interference. Change the CWcenter frequency by adjusting the HI/SHIFT control.When the control is adjusted, “SHIFT” and the newlyselected center frequency appears on the Display.REJECTING INTERFERENCEBe aware that shifting the CW center frequency doesnot automatically adjust the receive CW pitch.Therefore, it is possible to shift the CW pass band suchthat the selected CW pitch frequency falls outside thepass band. Doing this makes the CW signal inaudible.Example:Before adjusting IF Shift:• CW pitch: 900 Hz• IF Shift: 800 Hz (center frequency)• CW Width: 600 HzIn this example, the pass band would lie from500 ~ 1100 Hz (from 300 Hz below the center frequencyof 800 Hz to 300 Hz above the center frequency). If theCW pitch was set for 900 Hz, the signal would beaudible.After adjusting IF Shift:• CW pitch: 900 Hz• IF Shift: 500 Hz (center frequency)• CW Width: 600 HzNow, the pass band would lie from 200 ~ 800 Hz. Withthe CW pitch set for 900 Hz, the signal would not beaudible since the pitch frequency is 100 Hz above theupper edge of the pass band. In this case, to make thesignal audible, lower the CW pitch frequency by at least100 Hz.ffHI/SHIFTHI/SHIFTUSB pass bandUSB pass bandffLO/WIDTHLO/WIDTHUSB pass bandUSB pass bandCW 800Frequency Selections(Hz)Mode DefaultFreq.(Hz)400, 450, 500, 550,600, 650, 700, 750,800, 850, 900, 950,1000CenterfrequencyFreq./ FilterRelationship0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400,500, 600, 800, 1000 Hz0, 100, 200, 500 Hz1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4,2.6, 2.8, 3.0, 3.4, 4.6, 6.0 kHz2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 kHzLO/WIDTHControl(high-passfilter cutoff)HI/SHIFTControl(low-passfilter cutoff)SSBAMSSBAMFrequency SelectionsAdjust Mode DefaultFreq.300 Hz100 Hz2.6 kHz6.0 kHz500 800 1100900 Hz pitch200 500 800900 Hz pitch