65■ConnectionQuestion AnswerI cannot connect to the host station. Check the settings of the remote station.・ Check whether the connection type iscorrectly selected "Settings" in "Tool"menu of the ARCP-890.・ For connection directly connected toTS-890S, select "KNS (KENWOODNETWORK COMMAND SYSTEM) (Directlyto TS-890S)" in “ Connection to theTS-890S” and check whether the PC IPaddress is correctly selected.Confirm that "Connect to" is selectedcorrectly and the IP address, type ofadministrator / user, administrator ID,user name and password of theconnection destination are correct.・ For connection via ARHP-890, select "KNS(KENWOOD NETWORK COMMANDSYSTEM) (Via ARHP-890)" in“ Connection to the TS-890S” and checkwhether the IP address of PC is correctlyselected.Confirm that "Connect to" is selectedcorrectly and the IP address, type ofadministrator / user, administrator ID,user name and password of theconnection destination are correct.・ Check the port forwarding setting of thebroadband router.Check the settings of the host station.・ For connection directly connected toTS-890S, check whether the TS-890S IPaddress, user name and password arecorrect.・ For connection via ARHP-890, checkwhether the ARHP-890 IP address, portnumber, user name and password arecorrect.