XD-8550/XD-6000 (En/T)1 1Preparation sectionBasic sectionApplication sectionKnowledge sectionsControls and indicatorsPGM MEMO EDIT RDS EON TA NEWS INFO. TP PTY TOTAL SPACEAUTOTUNEDDISC ALLSTEREO kHzMHzMUTE12PROG. N.B.* * * * * * * * *; *1 2 3 4 511 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 206 7 8 9 10MAXSLEEP O.T.T. ECHO P.B.C. EQ.ON MANU.VOL. MUSIC CALENDAR31 254 6 7 8!9 0Display (C-H6)1 Equalizer indicatorThis section shows the equalizer pattern in use.The equalizer pattern display format can be switched.2 MUSIC CALENDER indicator3 Volume indicatorThe display varies as the VOLUME CONTROL of the amplifier unit(A-H5) is operated. Usually, this section shows the current volumesetting.4 Tuner and applied operation indicatorsThis section contains the indicators of the tuner operations as wellas applied CD operation.5 RDS-related indicators6 CD-related indicatorsThese indicator light during recording and playback of CD.7 Character information indicators8 Timer reservation program No./MUTE/N.B. indicators9 Timer-related indicators0 Equalizer operation indicators! Music calendar indicatorsThe indicators in this section show the number of tracks recorded ona CD. Each track number indicators turns off when the playback of thetrack has completed.SpectrumanalyzerdisplayCharacterdisplay