2 Keysight 33210A Service GuideNoticesCopyright Notice© Keysight Technologies 2008 - 2017No part of this manual may be repro-duced in any form or by any means(including electronic storage andretrieval or translation into a foreignlanguage) without prior agreement andwritten consent from Keysight Technol-ogies as governed by United States andinternational copyright laws.Manual Part Number33210-90010EditionEdition 2, October 1, 2017Printed in:Printed in MalaysiaPublished by:Keysight TechnologiesBayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone,11900 Penang, MalaysiaTechnology LicensesThe hardware and/or softwaredescribed in this document are fur-nished under a license and may beused or copied only in accordance withthe terms of such license.Declaration of ConformityDeclarations of Conformity for thisproduct and for other Keysight prod-ucts may be downloaded from theWeb.U.S. Government RightsThe Software is “commercial computersoftware,” as defined by Federal Acqui-sition Regulation (“FAR”) 2.101. Pursu-ant to FAR 12.212 and 27.405-3 andDepartment of Defense FAR Supple-ment (“DFARS”) 227.7202, the U.S.government acquires commercial com-puter software under the same termsby which the software is customarilyprovided to the public. Accordingly,Keysight provides the Software to U.S.government customers under its stan-dard commercial license, which isembodied in its End User LicenseAgreement (EULA),The license set forthin the EULA represents the exclusiveauthority by which the U.S. governmentmay use, modify, distribute, ordisclose the Soft-ware. The EULA andthe license set forth therein, does notrequire or per-mit, among other things,that Keysight: (1) Furnish technicalinformation related to commercialcomputer soft-ware or commercialcomputer software documentation thatis not customarily provided to thepublic; or (2) Relinquish to, or otherwiseprovide, the govern-ment rights inexcess of these rights customarilyprovided to the public to use, modify,reproduce, release, per-form, display, ordisclose commercial computersoftware or commercial com-putersoftware documentation. No additionalgovernment requirements beyondthose set forth in the EULA shall apply,except to the extent that those terms,rights, or licenses are explicitlyrequired from all providers ofcommercial computer software pursu-ant to the FAR and the DFARS and areset forth specifically in writing else-where in the EULA. Keysight shall beunder no obligation to update, revise orotherwise modify the Software. Withrespect to any technical data asdefined by FAR 2.101, pursuant to FAR12.211 and 27.404.2 and DFARS227.7102, the U.S. governmentacquires no greater than Limited Rightsas defined in FAR 27.401 or DFAR227.7103-5 (c), as applicable in anytechnical data.WarrantyTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THISDOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS,”AND IS SUBJECT TO BEINGCHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, INFUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TO THEMAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BYAPPLICABLE LAW, KEYSIGHT DIS-CLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHEREXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARDTO THIS MANUAL AND ANY INFORMA-TION CONTAINED HEREIN, INCLUD-ING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THEIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER-CHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. KEYSIGHTSHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ERRORSOR FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSE-QUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTIONWITH THE FURNISHING, USE, ORPERFORMANCE OF THIS DOCUMENTOR OF ANY INFORMATION CON-TAINED HEREIN. SHOULD KEYSIGHTAND THE USER HAVE A SEPARATEWRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH WAR-RANTY TERMS COVERING THE MATE-RIAL IN THIS DOCUMENT THATCONFLICT WITH THESE TERMS, THEWARRANTY TERMS IN THE SEPARATEAGREEMENT SHALL CONTROL.Safety InformationCAUTIONA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. Itcalls attention to an operating proce-dure, practice, or the like that, if notcorrectly performed or adhered to,could result in damage to the productor loss of important data. Do not pro-ceed beyond a CAUTION notice untilthe indicated conditions are fullyunderstood and met.WARNINGA WARNING notice denotes a hazard. Itcalls attention to an operating proce-dure, practice, or the like that, if notcorrectly performed or adhered to,could result in personal injury or death.Do not proceed beyond a WARNINGnotice until the indicated conditions arefully understood and met.