4 Calibration Procedures78 Keysight 33210A Service GuideCalibration SecurityThis feature allows you to enter a security code to prevent accidentalor unauthorized adjustments of the instrument. When you first receive yourinstrument, it is secured. Before you can adjust the instrument,you must unsecure it by entering the correct security code.See “To Unsecure and Secure for Calibration” on page 44 for a procedure to enterthe security code from the front panel. Use the CAL:SEC:STAT ON command toenter the security code using the remote interface.– The security code is set to AT33210A when the instrument is shipped from thefactory. The security code is stored in non-volatile memory, and does notchange when power has been off, after a Factory Reset (*RST command), orafter an Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command).– The security code may contain up to 12 alphanumeric characters.The first character must be a letter, but the remaining characterscan be letters, numbers, or an underscore ( _ ). You do not have touse all 12 characters but the first character must always be a letter.To Unsecure the Instrument Without the Security CodeTo unsecure the instrument without the correct security code, follow the stepsbelow. See “To Unsecure and Secure for Calibration” on page 44. See“Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions” on page 116 before beginning thisprocedure.1 Disconnect the power cord and all input connections.NOTE If you forget your security code, you can disable the security feature by applyinga temporary short inside the instrument as described below.NOTE If you do not have a record of the security code, there are two codes you maywish to try before you use the procedure below. First try AT33210A (the factorydefault code). If that code does not work, you may wish to try the single letter Aas the security code. If someone has re-secured calibration without entering anew code, the default code is the letter A.