300 Keysight InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide8 :ACQuire CommandsIntroduction to:ACQuireCommandsThe ACQuire subsystem controls the way in which waveforms are acquired. Theseacquisition types are available: normal, averaging, peak detect, and highresolution.NormalThe :ACQuire:TYPE NORMal command sets the oscilloscope in the normalacquisition mode. For the majority of user models and signals, NORMal modeyields the best oscilloscope picture of the waveform.AveragingThe :ACQuire:TYPE AVERage command sets the oscilloscope in the averagingmode. You can set the count by sending the :ACQuire:COUNt command followedby the number of averages. In this mode, the value for averages is an integer from2 to 65536. The COUNt value determines the number of averages that must beacquired.High-ResolutionThe :ACQuire:TYPE HRESolution command sets the oscilloscope in thehigh-resolution mode (also known as smoothing). This mode is used to reducenoise at slower sweep speeds where the digitizer samples faster than needed to fillmemory for the displayed time range. Instead of decimating samples, they are:ACQuire:SEGMented:ANALyze (see page 311)n/a n/a:ACQuire:SEGMented:COUNt (seepage 312):ACQuire:SEGMented:COUNt? (see page 312) ::= an integer from 2 to1000 in NR1 format:ACQuire:SEGMented:INDex (seepage 313):ACQuire:SEGMented:INDex? (see page 313) ::= an integer from 1 to1000 in NR1 format:ACQuire:SRATe[:ANALog] (seepage 316):ACQuire:SRATe[:ANALog]? (see page 316) ::= {AUTO | } ::= desired analogsample rate in NR3 format:ACQuire:SRATe[:ANALog]:AUTO {{0 | OFF} |{1 | ON}} (seepage 317):ACQuire:SRATe[:ANALog]:AUTO? (seepage 317){0 | 1}:ACQuire:TYPE (see page 318):ACQuire:TYPE? (seepage 318) ::= {NORMal | AVERage |HRESolution | PEAK}Table 94 :ACQuire Commands Summary (continued)Command Query Options and Query Returns