60 N2750/1/2A User’s Guide6 Performance VerificationTable 6 Required Test Equipment (Sheet 1 of 2)Test Equipment Recommended ModelPerformance Test1 2Infiniium Oscilloscope If a 90000 Q/X-Series oscilloscope is used, an N5442A precision BNCadapter is required.?Digital Multimeter Keysight 33401A or equivalent). Critical specification: 2 wire resistanceaccuracy?Vector Network Analyzer(VNA)Keysight E8361A/C (2-port). Althoughthis procedure assumes an E8361A/C, anequivalent VNA that covers at least a50 MHz to 13 GHz range is acceptable.The VNA needs to have a bias port forPORT 1 which consists of internal biasT’s and a BNC port that allows bias to beapplied to PORT 1.?Test PortCables/AdaptorsTwo cables with male 3.5 mm connectors. If 2.4 mm or 1.85 mm cables areselected, use Keysight 11901D adaptors to convert to 3.5 mm maleconnectors.?PV Fixture E2655B or N5443APerformance Verification(PV) Fixture. This fixture isincluded with the DeskewKit which is shipped withInfiniium oscilloscopes.?Calibration Module Keysight N4691B Electronic CalibrationModule, 300 kHz to 26.5 GHz, 3.5 mm, 2-port.An equivalent 3.5 mm cal kit can besubstituted for the N4691B.?Probe Power Supply Keysight 1143A Probe Offset Control andPower Module?Probe Adapter Keysight N1022B Probe Adapter. Or, use a Keysight N5477ASampling Scope Adapter with a Keysight N5442A PrecisionBNC adapter.?