15 © 2005-2014 KIRAMEK, INC.COMPATIBIL IT Y & OP TIONSWhy are “aftermarket” keyless systems incompatible with the 1440?“Factory Keyless Entry” is a compatibility requirement for the 1440.The reason is because most aftermarket keyless entry systems are at-WDFKHG WR WKH GRRU ORFN PRWRUV DQG WKH\ RIWHQ ÁDVK WKH KD]DUG OLJKWVwhenever the motor activates. The problem with this is that if a thiefunlocks a door with the metal car key (or screw driver), the door lockPRWRUZLOOHQJDJHOLJKWVZLOOÁDVKDQGWKHZLOOGLVDUPWhat makes “factory” keyless systems compatible?• MostIDFWRU\NH\OHVVV\VWHPVGR127ÁDVKWKHKD]DUGOLJKWVZKHQ\RXinsert the metal car key in the door and then turn to lock/unlock.• It’s always important to test your vehicle to verify if your factory key-less system is truly compatible with the 1440. Indeed, KIRAMEK hasYHULÀHGWKDWVRPH(XURSHDQFDUVDUHnot compatible even though theyhave factory keyless! Test your vehicle by inserting the metal car keyin the driver’s door and turn it to Lock and then again to Unlock. DoWKHKD]DUGVÁDVK",IVRWKHLV127FRPSDWLEOHZLWK\RXUYHKLFOHDo I need optional devices in order to install the 1440?For some cars, yes. The two most common VISION part numbers are:• PBS-30: Push Start compatibility switch (substitutes for Ignition)• DSS-6: door/trunk pin switch connection interface with built-in isola-tion diodes — used for Smart Key or Intelligent Key compatibility.Why aren’t the PBS-30 and DSS-6 parts standard?Because in the past, most cars did not have Push Start or Smart Keyor Intelligent Key features. As these vehicles become more prevalent,we may at some point in the future include these parts as standardfeatures.What other options should I consider for the 1440?• 896H-1B Starter Kill Relay.• DSS-6 Diode-isolated 6-way wire splitter (for Door/Trunk/Hood).• Optional sensors like: MMF-2 (radar), 318-054 (shock with dual ad-justments), 318-022 (tilt), 318-04 (ultrasonic), 318-085 (loop)• 318-035 Sensor Splitter for easy connecting of up to 3 sensors (keep inmind that the 318-052 shock sensor is standard with the 1440).• 896H-1C relay: to invert polarity or drive high current devices.• Luminator LED Scanners• Other optional parts can be found at: www.visionsecurity.jp/en/