1 © 2005-2014 KIRAMEK, INC.The VISION 1440 system control unit is backed by a limited lifetimewarranty against defective components and/or improper product assem-bly to the original purchaser for as long the vehicle is owned by thatsame purchaser, contingent upon installation by an Authorized VISIONDealer. All product warranties become void if the VISION 1440 systemwas not sold and installed by an Authorized VISION Dealer or the sys-tem is moved to another vehicle. All other parts and/or accessories thatconnect to VISION 1440 systems, including the shock sensor and statusLED, are warranted for one (1) year from the original date of purchase.During the warranty period, Kiramek Inc. will repair or replace, at itssole discretion, any system component that is found defective in mate-rial or assembly during the warranty period, provided that the productis returned to Kiramek Inc. by an Authorized VISION Dealer and is ac-companied by a clear and legible copy of the original purchaser’s receipt.Any damage to your VISION 1440 system that results from normalwear-and-tear, accidents, improper use, neglect, faulty wiring, incorrectLQVWDOODWLRQ PRGLÀFDWLRQ UHPRYDO RU GHIDFHPHQW RI WKH SURGXFW VHULDOnumber, alteration or repair outside Kiramek Inc or its Authorized VI-SION Dealers immediately voids this warranty.This warranty is limited to defective parts only and does not provideany compensation whatsoever for damages associated with the VISION1440 system or its accessories. This warranty does not cover installa-tion labor, product removal and/or reinstallation fees. This warrantyis valid for the original purchaser only and may not be transferred toanother party. Kiramek Inc makes no warranty against theft or vandal-ism of the vehicle in which the VISION 1440 system was installed. Thiswarranty shall not be interpreted as an insurance policy against loss,QRU VKDOO .LUDPHN ,QF EH OLDEOH DQ\ LQ ZD\ IRU VXFK ORVV ÀQDQFLDO RUotherwise.WARNING! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL THIS VISION 1440 PRODUCT YOUR-SELF BECAUSE SUCH WILL IMMEDIATELY VOID THE WARRANTY. THIS SECU-RITY SYSTEM MUST BE PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED BY YOUR AUTHORIZEDVISION DEALER TO VALIDATE YOUR WARRANTY.L imited L ifetime Warrant y