Operation Cont.©LSC® www.lightstreamcontrols.com Stage Desk-16™ Instruction Manual Page 14.Step 3:Use the slider to adjust your desired channel intensity.The channels intensity will vary depending on the positionof the slider. When the slider is set to zero (0) there will beno channel activity, if the slider is set to the ten positionthe channel activity will be at it’s maximum. The LCD dis-play will also detail the channel fader level in incrementsof zero to 100.Step 4:After you have set all your desired channel fader level, fora scene or chase step, press the Program Button to lockthis scene into the controllers memory.Step: 5Repeat steps three and four until you until you reach a 100steps or until have programmed all your desired step.Step: 6When you have completed all your steps for this programpress the Blackout Button to exit this function and auto-matically end the program function.Step 6Step 5Step 4Operation Cont.©LSC® www.lightstreamcontrols.com Stage Desk-16™ Instruction Manual Page 13Step 5:Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have programmed all yourdesired step for your new program. You may program upto 100 steps per a program pattern chase.Step 6:When you have completed your programming press theBlackout Button to exit program mode.Step 6Slider Programming: Note this function allows you to program staticscenes or chase patterns with varying light level intensities. These programs maybe stored into any of the 16 user Pattern Buttons. This programming proceduremay also be combined with the “Quick Start” programming instructionsStep 1:Press the Program and Manual Buttons until there greenindicator LEDs light up.Please note: If the program LEDindicator does not light up, the controller is in Lock Mode.To unlock the controller please see “Lock Function” in thismanual, page 22Step 2:Select a pattern bank (Program Buttons 1-16) you wish tostore your program to. Press the Pattern Button and itsLED will begin flashing slowly indicating program ode hasbeen activated.Step 1Step 2