216.5. Registers for Write and ReadoutTable 14Ad-dressName Range Description4000 Identifier w/r 204 Identifier of the P18D transducer4001 Address w/r 1...247 Device address4002 Baud rateof the RS4850...5 Description0 4800 bit/s1 9600 bit/s2 19200 bit/s3 38400 bit/s4 57600 bit/s5 115200 bit/s4003 Transmis-sion modeof the RS4850...3 Description0 RTU 8N11 RTU 8N22 RTU 8E13 RTU 8O14004 Accep-tation oftransmissionparameterchanges0...1 Description0 no changes1 acceptation of changes4005 Averagingtimew/r 6...3600 Measurement averaging time [s]4006 Erasing ofextremesw/r 0...1 Description0 no changes1 Erasing of min and max value