51. APPLICATIONThe P18D transducer is device destined for the continuous measure-ment and conversion of relative humidity and ambient temperature intoa digital form and into a voltage or current standard signal. The trans-ducer is fixed on a wall. The programming of the transducer is possibleby means of the RS-485 interface. The transducer configuration canbe carried out by the free LPCon program available on our websitewww.lumel com.pl/en/.Applied sensor shields enable the application of the P18D transducer invarious ambient conditionsFig.1. View of the P18D transducer.2. TRANSDUCER SET1. ransducer P18D..................... 1 pc2. service manual........................ 1 pc3. guarantee card........................ 1 pc3. BASIC REQUIREMENTS, OPERATIONAL SAFETYIn the security scope, the transducer meets the requirements of theEN 61010 -1 standard.Remarks Concerning the Operator Safety:1. General· All operations concerning transport, installation, and commissioning aswell as maintenance must be carried out by qualified, skilled personnel