288. TECHNICAL DATABasic parameters:- range of relative humiditymeasurement (RH) 0...100%, without condensation 1)- basic error of humidityconversion ± 2% of the range for RH=10...90%± 3% for the remaining range- hysteresis of the humiditymeasurement ± 1% RH- basic range of temperaturemeasurement - 20...60°C 2)- basic error of temperatureconversion calculated quantities ± 0.5% of the rangeabsolute humidity (a) [g/m3]dew-point temperature (Td) [oC]- additional errors:- temperature influence ± 25% of the basic error/10°C* for versions with analog outputs P18D-1 or P18D-2 error processingcore temperature can increase by 0,2 oCRS-485 digital output:- transmission protocol MODBUS- baud rate 4800, 9600,19200,38400,57600, 115200 bit/s- mode RTU: 8N2, 8E1, 8O1, 8N1- maximal response time 500 msAnalog outputs:- current 4...20 mA- voltage 0...10 V- maximal load resistanceof the current output 100 W- maximal load resistanceof the voltage output 1 kW