11115. STARTING TO WORKAfter turning the supply on, the controller carries out the display test,displays the re72 inscription, the program version and next, displaysmeasured and set point values.A character message informing about abnormalities may appear on thedisplay (table 18).The PID control algorithm with the proportional range 30 o C, inte-gration time constant of 300 seconds, differentiation time constantof 60 seconds and pulse period of 20 seconds is set by the manufacturer.Changing the Set Point ValueOne can change the set point value by pressing theor push-button (fi g. 12). The beginning of change is signaled bythe fl ickering dot of the lower display. One must accept the new set pointvalue by pressing the push-button during 30 seconds since thelast pressure of the or push-button. In the contrary, the oldvalue will be restored. The change limitation is set by parameters splland splH.Fig. 12. Fast changeof set point valueto change the set point value press oneof the push-buttonchangeacceptationmeasuredvaluesetpointvaluesignallingthe changesignalling of outputoperationmanual-controlmodeauto-tuning