444410. TIMER FUNCTIONWhen reaching the set point temperature (SP) the timerbegins the countdown of the time defined by the time parameter.After counting down to zero, the timer alarm is set, which remains activetill the moment of the timer erasing.To activate the timer function, one must set the parametertimr= on. To indicate the alarm state on an output, one of the outputsout1...out3 should be set to aLtr.The timer status/ residual time is displayed with the mark „t” onthe fi rst position. To display it, one must press the push-button tillthe moment of it appearance on the lower display (acc. to the fi g. 13).The return to the set point value display is set by the manufacturer on 30sec, but can be changed, or disabled through the tout parameter.Status Description Sygnalingtimer stopped t---Starting of the timer- temperature over SP- Press the push--buttonResidual time inminutes: e.g. (t2*9)Pause of the timer Press the push--buttonFlickering residual timein minutesEnd of the count-down Reaching zero by the timer tendTimer erasingDuring the countdown:Press andpush-buttonsAfter the countdown end:- press the push-button- - through the binary input