29Magellan MAP 330 GPS ReceiverReferenceReferenceWhen Nav Info is hidden and the map is in the cursor mode, thebearing (BRG) and distance (DIS) to the cursor is shown at the bottomof the map. If the cursor happens to be on a map object, the name ofthe object is displayed instead of BRG/DIS.Selecting Street Information or Data Fields for Nav Information —When the Nav Info box is being displayed at the bottom of the Mapscreen, you have the option of displaying street information or twocustomizable data fields. Note: This option is available only if the NavInformation is being displayed. (See Turning Nav Info On/Off.)FromMapScreenMENU ENTERHighlightCustomizeENTERHighlightStreet infoorTwo nav fieldsIf you select Street Information, the Nav Info box at the bottom of thescreen displays the name of the street or intersection you are travellingon. As you are travelling on a street, the name of that street will beshown on the first line of the Nav Info box and the name of the nextcross street is shown on the second line. When you are not on a street,the Street Information will be replaced by the two data fields until it isdetermined that you are back on a street.Customizing the Data Fields — Allows you to change the data that isbeing displayed to 1 of 13 different data options (bearing, distance,speed, heading, VMG, CTS, ETA, ETE, XTE, turn, elevation, time, ordate). Note: To be able to customize the data fields, you must beviewing the “Two nav fields” on the Map screen. (See Selecting StreetInformation or Data Fields for Nav Information.)Fromthe MAPScreenMENU ENTERENTERENTERHighlightCustomizeUse L/R arrows tohighlight the titlefor the data field tobe changedUse arrows toselect newdata typeHighlightTwo nav fieldsENTER