42 Magellan MAP 330 GPS ReceiverReferenceReferenceFromMapScreenENTERMARKHold downfor 2-3secondsModify(seeNote)Use arrow keys tomove cursor todesired position(Note: To modify the icon, name or message use the Up/Down arrowsto highlight the field you wish to change and press ENTER. You arethen placed into the Edit Mode.)Deleting a User Waypoint — Deletes a waypoint that you have created.FromAnyScreenMENUENTERENTERHighlightDatabaseleft/rightarrows select“Find By”ENTERHighlightUserSelectWaypoint tobe DeletedMENU HighlightDelete WPTConfirm?Yes or NoENTEREditing a User Waypoint — Allows you to edit a waypoint that you havealready stored in the MAP 330’s memory.FromAnyScreenMENUENTERENTERENTERHighlightDatabaseleft/rightarrows select“Find By”ENTERHighlightUserSelectWaypoint tobe EditedSelect Fieldto beEditedEdittheFieldRepeat selecting andediting fields until allchanges are completeHighlight“Save”buttonENTERAn alternative method to entering the edit mode is after highlightingthe waypoint you wish to modify press MENU. Highlight Edit WPTand press ENTER.