50 Magellan MAP 330 GPS ReceiverReferenceReferenceAppending a Leg — Adds a leg to the end of a route.Select route to be edited.See Instructions forViewing a RouteENTERSelectDatabaseENTERHighlight next availableleg. (Indicated bydashes)ENTER SelectWaypointAppending a Newly Created Waypoint to a Route — Allows a newlycreated waypoint to be appended to any route in memory.Create a Waypoint by pressing the MARK button.Can be present position, user-generated positionor by using Map Cursor to locate position.ENTER SelectRouteEdit/ModifyWaypoint asdesired.ENTERHighlight“Routes”ButtonReversing a Route — Allows any route in memory to be reversed. In theexample used earlier of “A” to “B” to “C” to “D”, if this route werereversed it would end up as “D” to “C” to “B” to “A”.FromAnyScreenMENU ENTERHighlightRoutesSelectRouteENTERMENUHighlightReverse RouteDeleting a Route — Enables the deletion of any route in memory. Usefulwhen you want to add a new route but no “EMPTY” routes areavailable.FromAnyScreenMENU ENTERHighlightRoutesSelectRouteENTERMENUHighlightDelete Route