EnglishMagellan Professional Products - Limited Warranty(North, Central and South America)Magellan Navigation warrants their GPS receiversand hardware accessories to be free of defects in ma-terial and workmanship and will conform to our pub-lished specifications for the product for a period ofone year from the date of original purchase. THISWARRANTY APPLIES ONLY TO THE ORIGINALPURCHASER OF THIS PRODUCT.In the event of a defect, Magellan Navigation will, atits option, repair or replace the hardware productwith no charge to the purchaser for parts or labor. Therepaired or replaced product will be warranted for 90days from the date of return shipment, or for the bal-ance of the original warranty, whichever is longer.Magellan Navigation warrants that software productsor software included in hardware products will befree from defects in the media for a period of 30 daysfrom the date of shipment and will substantially con-form to the then-current user documentation provid-ed with the software (including updates thereto).Magellan Navigation's sole obligation shall be thecorrection or replacement of the media or the soft-ware so that it will substantially conform to the then-current user documentation. Magellan Navigationdoes not warrant the software will meet purchaser'srequirements or that its operation will be uninterrupt-ed, error-free or virus-free. Purchaser assumes theentire risk of using the software.PURCHASER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY UNDER THISWRITTEN WARRANTY OR ANY IMPLIED WARRAN-TY SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE REPAIR OR RE-PLACEMENT, AT MAGELLAN NAVIGATION'SOPTION, OF ANY DEFECTIVE PART OF THE RE-CEIVER OR ACCESSORIES WHICH ARE COVEREDBY THIS WARRANTY. REPAIRS UNDER THIS WAR-RANTY SHALL ONLY BE MADE AT AN AUTHORIZEDMAGELLAN NAVIGATION SERVICE CENTER. ANYREPAIRS BY A SERVICE CENTER NOT AUTHO-RIZED BY MAGELLAN NAVIGATION WILL VOIDTHIS WARRANTY.To obtain warranty service the purchaser must obtaina Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number priorto shipping by calling 1-800-229-2400 (press op-tion #1) (U.S.) or 1-408-615-3981 (International),or by submitting a repair request on-line at:http://professional.magellangps.com/en/support/rma.asp. The purchaser must return the productpostpaid with a copy of the original sales receipt tothe address provided by Magellan Navigation withthe RMA number. Purchaser’s return address and theRMA number must be clearly printed on the outsideof the package.Magellan Navigation reserves the right to refuse toprovide service free-of-charge if the sales receipt isnot provided or if the information contained in it isincomplete or illegible or if the serial number is al-tered or removed. Magellan Navigation will not be re-sponsible for any losses or damage to the productincurred while the product is in transit or is beingshipped for repair. Insurance is recommended. Ma-gellan Navigation suggests using a trackable ship-ping method such as UPS or FedEx when returning aproduct for service.EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THIS LIMITED WAR-RANTY, ALL OTHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIEDWARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE OF FITNESSFOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANT-ABILITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBYDISCLAIMED AND IF APPLICABLE, IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES UNDER ARTICLE 35 OF THE UNITED NA-TIONS CONVENTION ON CONTRACTS FOR THEINTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS. Some national,state, or local laws do not allow limitations on im-plied warranty or how long an implied warranty lasts,so the above limitation may not apply to you.The following are excluded from the warranty cover-age: (1) periodic maintenance and repair or replace-ment of parts due to normal wear and tear; (2)batteries and finishes; (3) installations or defects re-sulting from installation; (4) any damage caused by(i) shipping, misuse, abuse, negligence, tampering,or improper use; (ii) disasters such as fire, flood,wind, and lightning; (iii) unauthorized attachmentsor modification; (5) service performed or attemptedby anyone other than an authorized Magellan Naviga-tions Service Center; (6) any product, components orparts not manufactured by Magellan Navigation; (7)that the receiver will be free from any claim for in-fringement of any patent, trademark, copyright orother proprietary right, including trade secrets; and(8) any damage due to accident, resulting from inac-curate satellite transmissions. Inaccurate transmis-sions can occur due to changes in the position,health or geometry of a satellite or modifications tothe receiver that may be required due to any changein the GPS. (Note: Magellan Navigation GPS receiv-ers use GPS or GPS+GLONASS to obtain position,velocity and time information. GPS is operated by theU.S. Government and GLONASS is the Global Navi-gation Satellite System of the Russian Federation,which are solely responsible for the accuracy andmaintenance of their systems. Certain conditions cancause inaccuracies which could require modifica-tions to the receiver. Examples of such conditions in-clude but are not limited to changes in the GPS orGLONASS transmission.) Opening, dismantling orrepairing of this product by anyone other than an au-thorized Magellan Navigation Service Center will voidthis warranty.MAGELLAN NAVIGATION SHALL NOT BE LIABLETO PURCHASER OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANYINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESWHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TOLOST PROFITS, DAMAGES RESULTING FROM DE-LAY OR LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF OR DAMAGESARISING OUT OF BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY ORANY IMPLIED WARRANTY EVEN THOUGH CAUSEDBY NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER FAULT OFMAGELLANNAVIGATION OR NEGLIGENT USAGE OF THEPRODUCT. IN NO EVENT WILL MAGELLAN NAVI-GATION BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCH DAMAGES,EVEN IF MAGELLAN NAVIGATION HAS BEEN AD-VISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.This written warranty is the complete, final and ex-clusive agreement between Magellan Navigation andthe purchaser with respect to the quality of perfor-mance of the goods and any and all warranties andrepresentations. This warranty sets forth all of Magel-lan Navigation's responsibilities regarding this prod-uct. This limited warranty is governed by the laws ofthe State of California, without reference to its con-flict of law provisions or the U.N. Convention on Con-tracts for the International Sale of Goods, and shallbenefit Magellan Navigation, its successors and as-signs.This warranty gives the purchaser specific rights. Thepurchaser may have other rights which vary from lo-cality to locality (including Directive 1999/44/EC inthe EC Member States) and certain limitations con-tained in this warranty, including the exclusion orlimitation of incidental or consequential damagesmay not apply.