Englishping method such as UPS or FedEx when returning aproduct for service.4. LIMITATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIESEXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN ITEM 1 ABOVE, ALLOTHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING THOSE OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTIC-ULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, AREHEREBY DISCLAIMED AND IF APPLICABLE, IM-PLIED WARRANTIES UNDER ARTICLE 35 OF THEUNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON CONTRACTSFOR THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS.Some national, state, or local laws do not allow limi-tations on implied warranty or how long an impliedwarranty lasts, so the above limitation may not applyto you.5. EXCLUSIONSThe following are excluded from the warranty cover-age:(1) periodic maintenance and repair or replacementof parts due to normal wear and tear;(2) batteries;(3) finishes;(4) installations or defects resulting from installa-tion;(5) any damage caused by (i) shipping, misuse,abuse, negligence, tampering, or improper use; (ii)disasters such as fire, flood, wind, and lightning; (iii)unauthorized attachments or modification;(6) service performed or attempted by anyone otherthan an authorized Magellan Navigations ServiceCenter;(7) any product, components or parts not manufac-tured by Magellan Navigation,(8) that the receiver will be free from any claim forinfringement of any patent, trademark, copyright orother proprietary right, including trade secrets(9) any damage due to accident, resulting from inac-curate satellite transmissions. Inaccurate transmis-sions can occur due to changes in the position,health or geometry of a satellite or modifications tothe receiver that may be required due to any changein the GPS. (Note: Magellan Navigation GPS receiv-ers use GPS or GPS+GLONASS to obtain position,velocity and time information. GPS is operated by theU.S. Government and GLONASS is the Global Navi-gation Satellite System of the Russian Federation,which are solely responsible for the accuracy andmaintenance of their systems. Certain conditions cancause inaccuracies which could require modifica-tions to the receiver. Examples of such conditions in-clude but are not limited to changes in the GPS orGLONASS transmission.).Opening, dismantling or repairing of this product byanyone other than an authorized Magellan NavigationService Center will void this warranty.6. EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUEN-TIAL DAMAGESMAGELLAN NAVIGATION SHALL NOT BE LIABLETO PURCHASER OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANYINDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOTLIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, DAMAGES RESULT-ING FROM DELAY OR LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF ORDAMAGES ARISING OUT OF BREACH OF THISWARRANTY OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY EVENTHOUGH CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERFAULT OFMAGELLAN NAVIGATION OR NEGLIGENTUSAGE OF THE PRODUCT. IN NO EVENT WILL MA-GELLAN NAVIGATION BE RESPONSIBLE FORSUCH DAMAGES, EVEN IF MAGELLAN NAVIGA-TION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES.Some national, state, or local laws do not allow theexclusion or limitation of incidental or consequentialdamages, so the above limitation or exclusion maynot apply to you.7. COMPLETE AGREEMENTThis written warranty is the complete, final and ex-clusive agreement between Magellan Navigation andthe purchaser with respect to the quality of perfor-mance of the goods and any and all warranties andrepresentations. THIS WARRANTY SETS FORTH ALLOF MAGELLAN NAVIGATION'S RESPONSIBILITIESREGARDING THIS PRODUCT.THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC RIGHTS.YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARYFROM LOCALITY TO LOCALITY (including Directive1999/44/EC in the EC Member States) AND CER-TAIN LIMITATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS WARRAN-TY MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.8. CHOICE OF LAW.This limited warranty is governed by the laws ofFrance, without reference to its conflict of law provi-sions or the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the In-ternational Sale of Goods, and shall benefit MagellanNavigation, its successors and assigns.THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT AFFECT THE CUS-TOMER'S STATUTORY RIGHTS UNDER APPLICA-BLE LAWS IN FORCE IN THEIR LOCALITY, NORTHE CUSTOMER'S RIGHTS AGAINST THE DEALERARISING FROM THEIR SALES/PURCHASE CON-TRACT (such as the guarantees in France for latentdefects in accordance with Article 1641 et seq of theFrench Civil Code).For further information concerning this limited war-ranty, please call or write:Magellan Navigation SAS - ZAC La Fleuriaye - BP433 - 44474 Carquefou Cedex - France.Phone: +33 (0)2 28 09 38 00, Fax: +33 (0)2 28 0939 39