Compass ScreenTheCompass screen provides an easy-to-use graphical compass that should be familiar tomost GPS users.Highlights of theCompass screen:• With an active route, the top of theCompass screen displays the name of thedestination.• Press MENU and select Customize page to change the information displayed at the topof the screen.• When there is no active route, the graphical compass performs like a standard compass,indicating to your heading as referenced to true north. (Note: You must be moving atleast 0.5 mph for the compass to display heading information.)• With an active route, the compass graphically displays an icon representing yourdestination. The compass arrow points in the direction you are heading when you aremoving.Compass Screen OverviewThe top of the screen (the header bar) displays the name of the destination if you have anactive route. Without an active route, the destination name is blank.Also, two navigation information fields (customizable) are displayed.When there is no active route, the graphical compass indicates the direction you aretravelling. (When you are not moving, the compass points to the last computed heading.)When there is an active route, an icon representing the destination is displayed outside thecompass diameter, with the compass arrow pointing in the direction you are heading. Whenthe compass arrow points directly to the destination icon, you are going in the direction ofyour destination.Navigation Screens 19To: VIEW2.8NSpeedMHDistance0.84 MISWTo: VIEW2.8SpeedMHDistance0.84 MIEDestinationData Field 1 Data Field 2Destination IconSun Locator IconMoon LocatorIcon